Eagle Quotes in Paradiso
But see this: many cry out: “Christ! Christ! Christ!”
Yet many will, come Judgement, be to Him
less [close] than are those who don’t know Christ.
And Christians such as these the Ethiopian
will damn when souls divide between two schools,
some to eternal riches, some to dearth.
What will the Persians say about your kings,
when once they see that ledger opened up
in which is written all their praiseless doings.
‘And so you mortals, in your judgements show
restraint. For even we who look on God
do not yet know who all the chosen are.
Yet this deficiency for us is sweet.
For in this good our own good finds its goal,
that what God wills we likewise seek in will.’
So from that sacred sign was given me,
to bring to my short sight new clarity,
a gentle draught of soothing medicine.

Eagle Quotes in Paradiso
But see this: many cry out: “Christ! Christ! Christ!”
Yet many will, come Judgement, be to Him
less [close] than are those who don’t know Christ.
And Christians such as these the Ethiopian
will damn when souls divide between two schools,
some to eternal riches, some to dearth.
What will the Persians say about your kings,
when once they see that ledger opened up
in which is written all their praiseless doings.
‘And so you mortals, in your judgements show
restraint. For even we who look on God
do not yet know who all the chosen are.
Yet this deficiency for us is sweet.
For in this good our own good finds its goal,
that what God wills we likewise seek in will.’
So from that sacred sign was given me,
to bring to my short sight new clarity,
a gentle draught of soothing medicine.