Father Quotes in Inside Out and Back Again
Sometimes I whisper
tuyet sút to myself
to pretend
I know him.
I would never say tuyet sút
in front of Mother.
None of us would want
to make her sadder
than she already is.
I have never seen her
without this purple rock.
I can’t fall asleep
unless I twist the ring
and count circles.
Brother Quang says,
What’s the point of
new shirts and sandals
if you lose the last
tangible remnant of love?
I don’t understand
what he said
but I agree.
The chant is long,
the voice
low and sure.
she appears,
looks at each of us.
Your father is
truly gone.

Father Quotes in Inside Out and Back Again
Sometimes I whisper
tuyet sút to myself
to pretend
I know him.
I would never say tuyet sút
in front of Mother.
None of us would want
to make her sadder
than she already is.
I have never seen her
without this purple rock.
I can’t fall asleep
unless I twist the ring
and count circles.
Brother Quang says,
What’s the point of
new shirts and sandals
if you lose the last
tangible remnant of love?
I don’t understand
what he said
but I agree.
The chant is long,
the voice
low and sure.
she appears,
looks at each of us.
Your father is
truly gone.