Amos Diggory Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
ALBUS: When Amos Diggory asked for the Time-Turner my father denied they even existed. He lied to an old man who just wanted his son back—who just loved his son. And he did it because he didn’t care—because he doesn’t care. Everyone talks about all the brave things Dad did. But he made some mistakes too. Some big mistakes, in fact. I want to set one of those mistakes right. I want us to save Cedric.
SCORPIUS: Okay, whatever was holding your brain together seems to have snapped.
ALBUS: I’m going to do this, Scorpius. I need to do this. And you know as well as I do, I’ll entirely mess it up if you don’t come with me. Come on.
DELPHI: I can think of one reason why you should trust them, Uncle.
They stop.
They’re the only ones volunteering to help. They’re prepared to bravely put themselves at risk to return your son to your side.
In fact, I’m pretty sure they put themselves at risk even getting here…
AMOS: This is Cedric we’re talking about…
DELPHI: And—didn’t you say yourself, having someone inside Hogwarts might be a massive advantage?
DELPHI kisses the top of AMOS’s head. AMOS looks at DELPHI, and then turns to look at the boys.
AMOS: Why? Why do you want to put yourself at risk? What’s in it for you? ALBUS: I know what it is to be the spare. Your son didn’t deserve to be killed, Mr. Diggory. We can help you get him back.
CEDRIC: Emancipare! Emancipare!
The boys are freed.
And now I can go on? Finish the maze?
The boys look at CEDRIC—they know exactly what it means for him to finish the maze.
ALBUS: I’m afraid you have to finish the maze.
CEDRIC: Then I shall.
CEDRIC walks confidently away. Albus looks after him—desperate to say something, unsure what to say.
ALBUS: Cedric-
CEDRIC turns towards him.
Your dad loves you very much.
HARRY The boy who was killed—Craig Bowker—how well did you know him?
ALBUS: Not well enough.
HARRY I didn’t know Cedric well enough either. He could have played Quidditch for England. Or been a brilliant Auror. He could have been anything. And Amos is right—he was stolen. So I come here. Just to say sorry. When I can.
ALBUS: That’s a—good thing to do.
ALBUS joins his dad in front of Cedric’s grave. HARRY smiles at his son and looks up at the sky.
HARRY: I think it’s going to be a nice day.
He touches his son’s shoulder. And the two of them—just slightly—melt together.
ALBUS (smiles): So do I.

Amos Diggory Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
ALBUS: When Amos Diggory asked for the Time-Turner my father denied they even existed. He lied to an old man who just wanted his son back—who just loved his son. And he did it because he didn’t care—because he doesn’t care. Everyone talks about all the brave things Dad did. But he made some mistakes too. Some big mistakes, in fact. I want to set one of those mistakes right. I want us to save Cedric.
SCORPIUS: Okay, whatever was holding your brain together seems to have snapped.
ALBUS: I’m going to do this, Scorpius. I need to do this. And you know as well as I do, I’ll entirely mess it up if you don’t come with me. Come on.
DELPHI: I can think of one reason why you should trust them, Uncle.
They stop.
They’re the only ones volunteering to help. They’re prepared to bravely put themselves at risk to return your son to your side.
In fact, I’m pretty sure they put themselves at risk even getting here…
AMOS: This is Cedric we’re talking about…
DELPHI: And—didn’t you say yourself, having someone inside Hogwarts might be a massive advantage?
DELPHI kisses the top of AMOS’s head. AMOS looks at DELPHI, and then turns to look at the boys.
AMOS: Why? Why do you want to put yourself at risk? What’s in it for you? ALBUS: I know what it is to be the spare. Your son didn’t deserve to be killed, Mr. Diggory. We can help you get him back.
CEDRIC: Emancipare! Emancipare!
The boys are freed.
And now I can go on? Finish the maze?
The boys look at CEDRIC—they know exactly what it means for him to finish the maze.
ALBUS: I’m afraid you have to finish the maze.
CEDRIC: Then I shall.
CEDRIC walks confidently away. Albus looks after him—desperate to say something, unsure what to say.
ALBUS: Cedric-
CEDRIC turns towards him.
Your dad loves you very much.
HARRY The boy who was killed—Craig Bowker—how well did you know him?
ALBUS: Not well enough.
HARRY I didn’t know Cedric well enough either. He could have played Quidditch for England. Or been a brilliant Auror. He could have been anything. And Amos is right—he was stolen. So I come here. Just to say sorry. When I can.
ALBUS: That’s a—good thing to do.
ALBUS joins his dad in front of Cedric’s grave. HARRY smiles at his son and looks up at the sky.
HARRY: I think it’s going to be a nice day.
He touches his son’s shoulder. And the two of them—just slightly—melt together.
ALBUS (smiles): So do I.