Franny and Zooey


J. D. Salinger

The second-oldest Glass sibling, Buddy narrates the second half of Franny and Zooey (though after a first-person introductory note, he generally refers to himself in the third person). Like all his siblings, Buddy hosted the radio show “It’s a Wise Child” in childhood. Like his oldest brother Seymour and younger brother Walt, he served in the U.S. Army during World War II. An admirer and imitator of Seymour, Buddy helped Seymour educate their youngest siblings Franny and Zooey in the world religions’ mystical traditions during Franny and Zooey’s childhood—an education for which Zooey deeply resents Buddy and Zooey, as Zooey believes it turned him and Franny into “freaks.” After the war, Buddy—who has been writing short stories since he was a teenager—becomes a writing instructor at a girls’ college in New York (state, not city). Buddy becomes reclusive after Seymour’s suicide, avoiding even his family members because he doesn’t know what to say to them, though he writes Zooey a long letter on the three-year anniversary of Seymour’s suicide trying to explain why he and Seymour educated Zooey and Franny the way they did. After Zooey and Franny have a vicious fight about Franny’s breakdown, Zooey calls Franny pretending to be Buddy in an attempt to help her—but Franny quickly sees through the deception.

Buddy Glass Quotes in Franny and Zooey

The Franny and Zooey quotes below are all either spoken by Buddy Glass or refer to Buddy Glass . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ego and Conformity Theme Icon
Zooey Quotes

I know the difference between a mystical story and a love story. I say that my current offering isn’t a mystical story, or a religiously mystifying story, at all. I say it’s a compound, or multiple, love story, pure and complicated.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Seymour Glass
Related Symbols: Little Book/The Way of a Pilgrim
Page Number: 42-43
Explanation and Analysis:

I submit that Zooey’s face was close to being a wholly beautiful face. As such, it was of course vulnerable to the same variety of glibly undaunted and usually specious evaluations that any legitimate art object is [...] But what was undiminishable, and, as already flatly suggested, a joy of a kind forever, was an authentic esprit superimposed over his entire face[.]

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Zooey Glass
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:

I can’t help thinking that you’d make a damn site better-adjusted actor if Seymour and I hadn’t thrown in the Upanishads and the Diamond Sutra and Eckhart and all our other old loves with the rest of your recommended home reading when you were small.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Lane Coutell, Seymour Glass
Page Number: 52
Explanation and Analysis:

Have you ever seen a really beautiful production of, say, The Cherry Orchard? Don’t say you have. Nobody has. You may have seen “inspired” productions, “competent” productions, but never anything beautiful. Never one where Chekhov’s talent is matched, nuance for nuance, idiosyncrasy for idiosyncrasy, by every soul onstage.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass
Page Number: 52
Explanation and Analysis:

Seymour once said to me—in a crosstown bus, of all places—that all legitimate religious study must lead to unlearning the differences, the illusory differences, between boys and girls, animals and stones, day and night, heat and cold.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Zooey Glass, Seymour Glass
Page Number: 58-59 
Explanation and Analysis:

As much as anything, it was the stare, not so paradoxically, of a privacy-lover who, once his privacy has been invaded, doesn’t quite approve when the invader just gets up and leaves, one-two-three, like that.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Mrs. Bessie Glass
Page Number: 78 
Explanation and Analysis:

“This whole goddam house stinks of ghosts. I don’t mind so much being haunted by a dead ghost, but I resent like hell being haunted by a half-dead one. I wish to God Buddy’d make up his mind. He does everything else Seymour ever did—or tries to. Why the hell doesn’t he kill himself and be done with it?”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Mrs. Bessie Glass, Buddy Glass , Seymour Glass, Walt Glass
Page Number: 88  
Explanation and Analysis:

“Those two bastards got us nice and early and made us into freaks with freakish standards, that’s all. We’re the Tattooed Lady, and we’re never going to have a minute’s peace, the rest of our lives, till everybody else is tattooed too.”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Buddy Glass , Seymour Glass
Page Number: 118  
Explanation and Analysis:

“You don’t even have enough sense to drink when somebody brings you a cup of consecrated chicken soup—which is the only kind of chicken soup Bessie ever brings to anybody around this madhouse.”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Mrs. Bessie Glass, Buddy Glass
Related Symbols: Little Book/The Way of a Pilgrim, Chicken Soup
Page Number: 165-166   
Explanation and Analysis:
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Buddy Glass Quotes in Franny and Zooey

The Franny and Zooey quotes below are all either spoken by Buddy Glass or refer to Buddy Glass . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ego and Conformity Theme Icon
Zooey Quotes

I know the difference between a mystical story and a love story. I say that my current offering isn’t a mystical story, or a religiously mystifying story, at all. I say it’s a compound, or multiple, love story, pure and complicated.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Seymour Glass
Related Symbols: Little Book/The Way of a Pilgrim
Page Number: 42-43
Explanation and Analysis:

I submit that Zooey’s face was close to being a wholly beautiful face. As such, it was of course vulnerable to the same variety of glibly undaunted and usually specious evaluations that any legitimate art object is [...] But what was undiminishable, and, as already flatly suggested, a joy of a kind forever, was an authentic esprit superimposed over his entire face[.]

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Zooey Glass
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:

I can’t help thinking that you’d make a damn site better-adjusted actor if Seymour and I hadn’t thrown in the Upanishads and the Diamond Sutra and Eckhart and all our other old loves with the rest of your recommended home reading when you were small.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Lane Coutell, Seymour Glass
Page Number: 52
Explanation and Analysis:

Have you ever seen a really beautiful production of, say, The Cherry Orchard? Don’t say you have. Nobody has. You may have seen “inspired” productions, “competent” productions, but never anything beautiful. Never one where Chekhov’s talent is matched, nuance for nuance, idiosyncrasy for idiosyncrasy, by every soul onstage.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass
Page Number: 52
Explanation and Analysis:

Seymour once said to me—in a crosstown bus, of all places—that all legitimate religious study must lead to unlearning the differences, the illusory differences, between boys and girls, animals and stones, day and night, heat and cold.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Zooey Glass, Seymour Glass
Page Number: 58-59 
Explanation and Analysis:

As much as anything, it was the stare, not so paradoxically, of a privacy-lover who, once his privacy has been invaded, doesn’t quite approve when the invader just gets up and leaves, one-two-three, like that.

Related Characters: Buddy Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Mrs. Bessie Glass
Page Number: 78 
Explanation and Analysis:

“This whole goddam house stinks of ghosts. I don’t mind so much being haunted by a dead ghost, but I resent like hell being haunted by a half-dead one. I wish to God Buddy’d make up his mind. He does everything else Seymour ever did—or tries to. Why the hell doesn’t he kill himself and be done with it?”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Mrs. Bessie Glass, Buddy Glass , Seymour Glass, Walt Glass
Page Number: 88  
Explanation and Analysis:

“Those two bastards got us nice and early and made us into freaks with freakish standards, that’s all. We’re the Tattooed Lady, and we’re never going to have a minute’s peace, the rest of our lives, till everybody else is tattooed too.”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Buddy Glass , Seymour Glass
Page Number: 118  
Explanation and Analysis:

“You don’t even have enough sense to drink when somebody brings you a cup of consecrated chicken soup—which is the only kind of chicken soup Bessie ever brings to anybody around this madhouse.”

Related Characters: Zooey Glass (speaker), Franny Glass, Mrs. Bessie Glass, Buddy Glass
Related Symbols: Little Book/The Way of a Pilgrim, Chicken Soup
Page Number: 165-166   
Explanation and Analysis: