Mindy Sheridan Quotes in Eleanor and Park
[Mindy’s] hand settled softly in her lap.
“In big family," she said, "everything . . . everybody spread so thin. Thin like paper, you know?" She made a tearing gesture. […] "Nobody gets enough," she said. "Nobody gets what they need. When you always hungry, you get hungry in your head." She tapped her forehead. "You know?"
Park wasn't sure what to say.
“You don’t know, she said, shaking her head. "I don't want you to know. . . I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he said.
"I'm sorry for how I welcomed your Eleanor."
[Eleanor] pulled away. "Are you kissing me because I look like someone else?"
"You don't look like someone else. Plus, that's crazy."
"Do you like me better like this?" she asked. "Because I'm never going to look like this again."
"You look like you,” [Park] said. "You with the volume turned up."

Mindy Sheridan Quotes in Eleanor and Park
[Mindy’s] hand settled softly in her lap.
“In big family," she said, "everything . . . everybody spread so thin. Thin like paper, you know?" She made a tearing gesture. […] "Nobody gets enough," she said. "Nobody gets what they need. When you always hungry, you get hungry in your head." She tapped her forehead. "You know?"
Park wasn't sure what to say.
“You don’t know, she said, shaking her head. "I don't want you to know. . . I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he said.
"I'm sorry for how I welcomed your Eleanor."
[Eleanor] pulled away. "Are you kissing me because I look like someone else?"
"You don't look like someone else. Plus, that's crazy."
"Do you like me better like this?" she asked. "Because I'm never going to look like this again."
"You look like you,” [Park] said. "You with the volume turned up."