Bugs Quotes in Bud, Not Buddy
“I’m sorry, Bud, I didn’t mean to scare you, but everybody knows how you like to sleep with that knife open so I figured I’d best grab holt of you so’s you wouldn’t wake up slicing nobody.”
I spit a big glob in my hand and said, “We’re brother forever, Bugs!”
We slapped our hands together as hard as we could and got our slobs mixed up real good, then waved them in the air so they’d dry. Now it was official, I finally had a brother!
The train and my new pretend brother got farther and farther away, chugging to Chicago. Man. I’d found some family and he was gone before we could really get to know each other.

Bugs Quotes in Bud, Not Buddy
“I’m sorry, Bud, I didn’t mean to scare you, but everybody knows how you like to sleep with that knife open so I figured I’d best grab holt of you so’s you wouldn’t wake up slicing nobody.”
I spit a big glob in my hand and said, “We’re brother forever, Bugs!”
We slapped our hands together as hard as we could and got our slobs mixed up real good, then waved them in the air so they’d dry. Now it was official, I finally had a brother!
The train and my new pretend brother got farther and farther away, chugging to Chicago. Man. I’d found some family and he was gone before we could really get to know each other.