Around the World in Eighty Days


Jules Verne

Sir Francis Cromarty Character Analysis

A British Brigadier-general whom Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout meet on the Mongolia steamship from Suez, Egypt to Bombay, India and on the train from Bombay to Calcutta. Sir Francis Cromarty is about fifty years old and fought in the last Sepoy revolt in India. He now lives there and rarely visits England. He is very knowledgeable about India and its history, having assimilated to the country’s culture. On the steamer, he plays whist with Fogg to pass the time, and the two become friendly acquaintances despite the fact that Sir Francis thinks Fogg’s adventure is foolish and does no good for anyone. When the train unexpectedly stops due to an incomplete line, Sir Francis joins Fogg, Passepartout, and their guide as they ride an elephant, Kiouni, through the jungle. He, along with the other three men, see Aouda being led through the jungle and save her from being burned alive in a sacrifice. He and his newfound friends eventually reach Allahabad and take the train from there to Benares, where he bids them farewell to reunite with his corps stationed there.

Sir Francis Cromarty Quotes in Around the World in Eighty Days

The Around the World in Eighty Days quotes below are all either spoken by Sir Francis Cromarty or refer to Sir Francis Cromarty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Modernity, Time, and Control Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics.

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg, Sir Francis Cromarty
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

“Suppose we save this woman.”

“Save the woman, Mr. Fogg!”

“I have yet twelve hours to spare; I can devote them to that.”

“Why, you are a man of heart!”

“Sometimes,” replied Phileas Fogg, quietly; “when I have the time.”

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg (speaker), Sir Francis Cromarty (speaker), Jean Passepartout, Aouda, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. His master’s idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. He began to love Phileas Fogg.

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg, Jean Passepartout, Aouda, Sir Francis Cromarty, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

“The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment.”

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg (speaker), Jean Passepartout, Aouda, Sir Francis Cromarty, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sir Francis Cromarty Quotes in Around the World in Eighty Days

The Around the World in Eighty Days quotes below are all either spoken by Sir Francis Cromarty or refer to Sir Francis Cromarty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Modernity, Time, and Control Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics.

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg, Sir Francis Cromarty
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

“Suppose we save this woman.”

“Save the woman, Mr. Fogg!”

“I have yet twelve hours to spare; I can devote them to that.”

“Why, you are a man of heart!”

“Sometimes,” replied Phileas Fogg, quietly; “when I have the time.”

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg (speaker), Sir Francis Cromarty (speaker), Jean Passepartout, Aouda, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. His master’s idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. He began to love Phileas Fogg.

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg, Jean Passepartout, Aouda, Sir Francis Cromarty, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

“The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment.”

Related Characters: Phileas Fogg (speaker), Jean Passepartout, Aouda, Sir Francis Cromarty, The Guide, Kiouni
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis: