Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on John Green's An Abundance of Katherines. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
An Abundance of Katherines: Introduction
An Abundance of Katherines: Plot Summary
An Abundance of Katherines: Detailed Summary & Analysis
An Abundance of Katherines: Themes
An Abundance of Katherines: Quotes
An Abundance of Katherines: Characters
An Abundance of Katherines: Symbols
An Abundance of Katherines: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of John Green

Historical Context of An Abundance of Katherines
Other Books Related to An Abundance of Katherines
- Full Title: An Abundance of Katherines
- When Written: 2003-2006
- Where Written: New York City
- When Published: 2006
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Novel, Young Adult Fiction
- Setting: Chicago and Gutshot, Tennessee
- Climax: At the end of the hunting trip, Colin and Hassan find TOC cheating on Lindsey with Katrina. The incident precipitates a big fight in which Colin, Hassan, Lindsey, SOCT, and JATT join forces against TOC, and Colin realizes that the obelisk dedicated to the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a fake.
- Antagonist: Colin Singleton
- Point of View: Third person
Extra Credit for An Abundance of Katherines
Internet Activism. John Green and his brother Hank have a base of internet fans who call themselves “nerdfighters,” and who pursue activist projects to decrease what the two brothers refer to as “worldsuck.” In this capacity, Green is also affiliated with the activist organization called the Harry Potter Alliance, which harnesses fan energy to complete projects like collecting book donations for underserved communities and getting Warner Brothers to use Fair Trade chocolate for all its Harry Potter-related chocolate products.
Punny Origins. Green says that he chose the name Colin because the character is constantly “callin’” his ex-girlfriends.