Wide Sargasso Sea


Jean Rhys

Grace Poole Character Analysis

Antoinette’s caretaker in the husband’s manor in England, Grace Poole is paid handsomely for her discretion, which she maintains despite her misgivings regarding the husband's treatment of Antoinette. A partial narrator of Part 3 of the novel, she often drinks to excess and falls asleep, allowing Antoinette to steal her keys and roam the rest of the house.

Grace Poole Quotes in Wide Sargasso Sea

The Wide Sargasso Sea quotes below are all either spoken by Grace Poole or refer to Grace Poole. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Otherness and Alienation Theme Icon
Part 3 Quotes

The rumours I’ve heard very far from the truth. But I don’t contradict, I know better than to say a word. After all the house is big and safe, a shelter from the world outside which, say what you like, can be a black and cruel world to a woman. Maybe that’s why I stayed on...Yes, maybe that’s why we all stay Mrs Eff and Leah and me. All of us except that girl who lives in her own darkness. I’ll say one thing for her, she hasn’t lost her spirit. She’s still fierce. I don’t turn my back on her when her eyes have that look. I know it.

Related Characters: Grace Poole (speaker), Antoinette Cosway, Mrs. Eff, Leah
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 178
Explanation and Analysis:
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Grace Poole Quotes in Wide Sargasso Sea

The Wide Sargasso Sea quotes below are all either spoken by Grace Poole or refer to Grace Poole. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Otherness and Alienation Theme Icon
Part 3 Quotes

The rumours I’ve heard very far from the truth. But I don’t contradict, I know better than to say a word. After all the house is big and safe, a shelter from the world outside which, say what you like, can be a black and cruel world to a woman. Maybe that’s why I stayed on...Yes, maybe that’s why we all stay Mrs Eff and Leah and me. All of us except that girl who lives in her own darkness. I’ll say one thing for her, she hasn’t lost her spirit. She’s still fierce. I don’t turn my back on her when her eyes have that look. I know it.

Related Characters: Grace Poole (speaker), Antoinette Cosway, Mrs. Eff, Leah
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 178
Explanation and Analysis: