White Teeth


Zadie Smith

Brother Ibrahim ad-Din Shukrallah Character Analysis

Brother Ibrahim is the founder of KEVIN, “an impressive man with a formidable reputation” but a poor orator. He was born to “Presbyterian dipsomaniacs” in Barbados, but he converted to Islam after a “vision.” After studying Arabic for five years, he began to write radical pamphlets on Islam, eventually locking himself in “his aunt’s Birmingham garage” for five years to study the Qur’an (earning him the nickname “The Guru in the Garage”).
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Brother Ibrahim ad-Din Shukrallah Character Timeline in White Teeth

The timeline below shows where the character Brother Ibrahim ad-Din Shukrallah appears in White Teeth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 18
Race, Racism, and Multiculturalism Theme Icon
Brother Ibrahim ad-Din Shukrallah is not a great speaker; listening to his speech, Millat feels “let down.”... (full context)
Race, Racism, and Multiculturalism Theme Icon
...the crowd to sit next to Millat in the hall. Mo is helping to fund Brother Ibrahim ’s tour around Europe, and he asks Millat if he finds the Brother impressive. Mo... (full context)
Chapter 19
The Influence of History Theme Icon
...he has been doing to himself. Millat says that he is preparing himself for action. Brother Ibrahim was arrested recently on charges of tax evasion and civil disobedience, and KEVIN soon realized... (full context)