The moon represents Merricat’s ideal life. She often daydreams about flying to the moon on a winged horse to get away from the parts of her life that she doesn’t like, such as her confrontations with the villagers. When Constance is unhappy, Merricat wishes she could fly her to the moon, and when Uncle Julian isn’t well she thinks how healthy he would be on the moon. She imagines building a house there and growing all sorts of plants. When Merricat and Constance shut themselves up in their house and cut off all contact with the outside world, Merricat says that they are finally living on the moon like she’s always wanted. Her attitude shows that the most important part of her vision of the moon is the isolation that it provides.
Furthermore, Merricat’s moon, since it exists entirely in her own head, is a place where her strange worldview can be reality and she can decide how to order her life without fear of interference. The Blackwood house becomes the moon after the fire in this way, too, since Constance is open to seeing the world through Merricat’s eyes and no one else is around to question the way Merricat’s mind shapes her surroundings.
The Moon Quotes in We Have Always Lived in the Castle
“We are on the moon at last,” I told her, and she smiled.
“I thought I dreamed it all,” she said.
“It really happened,” I said.
“Poor Uncle Julian.”
“They came in the night and took him away, and we stayed here on the moon.”
“I’m glad to be here,” she said. “Thank you for bringing me.”
“If you let me go this time, you’ll never see me again. I mean it, Connie.... Take a last look,” he said. “I’m going. One word could make me stay.”
I did not think he was going to go in time. I honestly did not know whether Constance was going to be able to contain herself until he got down the steps and safely into the car.... Charles looked back once more, raised his hand sadly, and got into the car. Then Constance laughed, and I laughed... and we held each other in the dark hall and laughed, with the tears running down our cheeks....
“I am so happy,” Constance said at last, gasping. “Merricat, I am so happy.”
“I told you that you would like it on the moon.”