Herr Hauptmann Quotes in War Horse
The officer led us at first, limping along beside me with his stick, but he was soon confident enough to mount the cart with the two orderlies and take the reins. “You’ve done a bit of this before, my friend,” he said. “I can tell that. I always knew the British were crazy. Now that I know that they use horses such as you as cart horses, I am quite sure of it. That’s what this war is all about, my friend. It’s about which of us is the crazier. And clearly you British started with an advantage. You were crazy beforehand.”
All that afternoon and evening while the battle raged, we trudged up to the lines […]. The artillery barrage from both sides was continuous. It roared overhead all day as the armies hurled their men at one another across no-man’s-land, and the wounded that could walk poured back along the roads.

Herr Hauptmann Quotes in War Horse
The officer led us at first, limping along beside me with his stick, but he was soon confident enough to mount the cart with the two orderlies and take the reins. “You’ve done a bit of this before, my friend,” he said. “I can tell that. I always knew the British were crazy. Now that I know that they use horses such as you as cart horses, I am quite sure of it. That’s what this war is all about, my friend. It’s about which of us is the crazier. And clearly you British started with an advantage. You were crazy beforehand.”
All that afternoon and evening while the battle raged, we trudged up to the lines […]. The artillery barrage from both sides was continuous. It roared overhead all day as the armies hurled their men at one another across no-man’s-land, and the wounded that could walk poured back along the roads.