Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on James Joyce's Two Gallants. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Two Gallants: Introduction
Two Gallants: Plot Summary
Two Gallants: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Two Gallants: Themes
Two Gallants: Quotes
Two Gallants: Characters
Two Gallants: Symbols
Two Gallants: Literary Devices
Two Gallants: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of James Joyce

Historical Context of Two Gallants
Other Books Related to Two Gallants
- Full Title: Two Gallants
- When Written: circa 1904–1907
- Where Written: Zürich, Switzerland and Trieste, Italy (then Austria-Hungary)
- When Published: June 1914
- Literary Period: Realism and Modernism
- Genre: Short Story, Modernist Fiction, Vignettes
- Setting: Dublin, Ireland
- Climax: At the very end of the story, Corley finally “pulls it off” and reveals the gold coin he obtained from the maid he has been seeing.
- Antagonist: There is no particular antagonist, but more generally the decline of Ireland.
- Point of View: Third person limited omniscient narration (glimpses of characters’ feelings are limited to Lenehan’s mental state)
Extra Credit for Two Gallants
Dubliners? Though Joyce was born and raised in Dublin, he did not actually write “Two Gallants” in Dublin. Joyce travelled widely overseas through his job teaching English, and was living in Italy and Switzerland during the time he was writing “Two Gallants.” His life outside Ireland was often viewed as a rejection of Ireland as a nation.
Joyce’s Rejection. Joyce submitted Dubliners to 15 different publishers. Two accepted his manuscript. One subsequently refused to publish it due to what was seen as inappropriate content and obscenity, particularly in relation to the story “Two Gallants.” The short story collection was finally accepted by the publisher Grant Richards.