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Tracks: Introduction
Tracks: Plot Summary
Tracks: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Tracks: Themes
Tracks: Quotes
Tracks: Characters
Tracks: Terms
Tracks: Symbols
Tracks: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Louise Erdrich

Historical Context of Tracks
Other Books Related to Tracks
- Full Title: Tracks
- When Written: 1980s
- Where Written: Minnesota
- When Published: 1988
- Literary Period: Contemporary, Native American Renaissance
- Genre: Literary Fiction, Magical Realism
- Setting: North Dakota
- Climax: Nanapush and Fleur find out that Margaret and Nector only had enough money to pay the taxes on Kashpaw land, so the others have lost their property.
- Antagonist: White oppression of Native Americans
- Point of View: Alternating first person, Nanapush and Pauline
Extra Credit for Tracks
A nickel’s worth of story. As a child, Louise Erdrich’s father would pay his children five cents for every story they wrote. Perhaps as a result of this, two of Louise’s six siblings are also writers: Heid E. Erdrich is a poet and Lise Erdrich writes children’s books, fiction, and essays.
Team effort. Louise Erdrich and her husband Michael Dorris collaborated on all their writing together, but you won’t find both of their names on every book. When both wrote an approximately equal amount of a draft, they shared the credit, but if one of them wrote the entire first draft, then that person was deemed the author, but both of them worked on all of the writing they each produced in their time together.