Three Day Road


Joseph Boyden

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Elijah Whiskeyjack Character Analysis

Xavier’s best friend and the antagonist in Three Day Road. Elijah’s mother dies of a “coughing sickness” when Elijah is a small boy, and he goes to live with the nuns at the residential school. There, Elijah learns to speak English “like one of [the nun’s] bishops,” and becomes friends with Xavier, another young Cree boy who lives on the reserve. Xavier soon goes to live with his aunt, Niska, and Elijah spends much of his childhood with them in the bush. Xavier and Elijah rely on one another. Through Niska, Elijah relies on Xavier to teach him the ways of the bush, and Xavier relies on Elijah to help him navigate the wemistikoshiw (European) world. Elijah embraces wemistikoshiw culture, and when Xavier and Elijah enlist in the Canadian Army during World War I, Elijah easily adapts to the wemistikoshiw military. Elijah excels as a sniper and shows tremendous bravery in the field. He is even recommended for a MM, or Military Medal, an important war decoration given for bravery in battle. But Elijah is consumed by the war and a morphine addiction, and as he surrenders more and more to the wemistikoshiw medicine, his life begins to unravel. He begins to scalp his enemies, a tactic he learns from the French soldiers, and he seems to have an insatiable taste for blood. Xavier suspects Elijah is infected by an evil Anishnabe spirit (“going windigo”), and when Grey Eyes reports Elijah’s morphine addiction and scalping to Lieutenant Breech, Elijah kills both Grey Eyes and Lieutenant Breech to avoid a court-martial. His unit soon takes heavy fire, and in the confusion, Elijah tries to kill Xavier too. But Xavier is a windigo killer, and he strangles Elijah with his Mauser rifle. Elijah conforms to wemistikoshiw ways and turns his back on his indigenous culture, and in doing so, isolates himself from his people and invites the evil spirit of the windigo. Elijah also reflects the assimilation and whitewashing of Indigenous people by the wemistikoshiw. Elijah’s Native identity is erased and replaced by a “Christian name” and a British accent.

Elijah Whiskeyjack Quotes in Three Day Road

The Three Day Road quotes below are all either spoken by Elijah Whiskeyjack or refer to Elijah Whiskeyjack. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Prologue Quotes

Elijah swings again, and again the marten squeals. My stomach feels sick. I pick up a heavier piece of wood, step up, and give it a sharp blow to its head. The hide noose snaps and the marten drops to the ground. It doesn’t move. I club its head once.

Elijah stares at me.

“We had to do it,” I say.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
Takoshininaaniwan: Arrival Quotes

Where is he? We spent the whole war together only to lose each other in the last days. A shell landed too close to me. It threw me into the air so that suddenly I was a bird. When I came down I no longer had my left leg. I've always known men aren't meant to fly

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

Smithy shakes his head and looks away. He is small and skinny. He's going bald. He looks like a Hudson's Bay Company man I know back in Moose Factory who teaches Sunday school to the children who live on the reserve and not in the bush, the homeguard children. "That ain't true atall," Smithy mumbles. "There's another Indian feller goes by the name Peggy. Ojibwe, I think." He looks over at me. ''He's got close to a hundred kills but no officer wants to give him credit since he likes working alone." Smithy suddenly stops talking and looks embarrassed that he's said so much. "Peggy's salt of the earth," he adds as an afterthought. "Every Canadian enlisted man knows he ain't no liar."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Smithy (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack, Peggy
Page Number: 22-3
Explanation and Analysis:
Ntawi Nipahiwewak: Raiding Party Quotes

The next morning after stand-to, Thompson approaches Elijah and me. He talks to both of us, but his words are for Elijah. "What do you think of the last days, Whiskeyjack?" he asks, lighting a cigarette, exhaling and looking at the sky.

I can see that Elijah knows exactly what Thompson's asking. Thompson is asking if Elijah likes killing. Elijah considers it for a moment. "It's in my blood," he finally says.

Thompson smiles, then walks off. He didn't ask me the same question. Does he sense something? How am I different? A strange sensation, one I do not recognize, surges up my spine.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Corporal Thompson (speaker)
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Kimociwinikewin: Raid Quotes

The other soldiers often ask Elijah about his name too. And he is happy to talk. His Cree name is Weesageechak. But that is something he doesn't share with the wemistikoshiw. Whiskeyjack is how they say his name, make it their own. He has told me that what they do to his name is what sounds to my ears like a longer word for bastard, making his name a name without a family.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 142-3
Explanation and Analysis:

"Whiskeyjacks should fly better," he says.

Elijah looks at him. "How do you know my name?"

"I don't," the man says. "I was dreaming. There was a flock of whiskeyjacks." He looks confused. "They were pecking at something dead."

Elijah stands and walks back to me.

"What did the old man say to you?" I ask.

"He knew my name. Claims he was dreaming of whiskeyjacks."

"It's a sign,” I say.

"Everything's a sign to you." Elijah looks out the window. "Hey, there’s a sign," he says, pointing outside. "It says Abitibi River. But you wouldn't know that, considering you're a heathen."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker)
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 150-1
Explanation and Analysis:
Ka Nipihat Windigowa: Windigo Killer Quotes

I made Xavier smile with my story of smacking the nun with my paddle, and this gives me hope. Steering the canoe slow through the afternoon I watch him drift into sleep. It is a restless time for him, and his face looks like a scared child's when he cries out. To try and ease him a little, I start talking again. The story is not a happy one, but something in me has to tell it. There is truth in this story that Xavier needs to hear, and maybe it is best that he hears it in sleep so that the medicine in the tale can slip into him unnoticed.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird, Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 240
Explanation and Analysis:

"Why does she call you Nephew and not your real name?" he asked.

"Nephew is my real name," you answered. "I am her nephew."

“Does she ever call you by your Christian name?" he asked.

You shook your head, looked at me nervously. "My name is Nephew."

"Your name is Xavier," your friend answered.

It was not said meanly. I could tell from his voice that the boy was simply trying to understand.

"Your Christian name is Xavier," he said. "And mine is Elijah."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Niska
Page Number: 248
Explanation and Analysis:
Tapakwewin: Snaring Quotes

I remember when he began to explore the places that aren't safe to explore. I remember him learning to love killing rather than simply killing to survive. Even when he went so far into that other place that I worried for him constantly, he still loved to tell me stories. He never lost his ability to talk. I think it was this ability that fooled the others around us into believing he hadn't gone mad. But I knew.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 249
Explanation and Analysis:
Weesageechak: Hero Quotes

Elijah kicks at the ground. "Listen to me, X," he says. "l should never have gotten in that aeroplane. Before that I believed nothing could hurt me over here. But I lost something up there is what it feels like. I need to get it back." Elijah reaches his hand out to a horse. It shies away. "I can see that I went too far into a dangerous place for a while. But I see that." He stops talking, then starts again. "Does that mean something?"

Related Characters: Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Xavier Bird
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 322
Explanation and Analysis:
Nipiwin: Dying Quotes

I do not know how to make them understand who I am. To them I am Elijah Whiskeyjack, sniper and scout. Hero. When I want medicine, I tell the pretty-mouthed nurse that the pain is too bad, that I need a little of it. She leaves for a short time, comes back carrying a needle. I spend hours staring out the window; rubbing at the stub of leg through the pinned-up material of the pajamas, feeling the warm river rushing below me. It is easier not to tell them anything, easier not to explain at all. I allow myself to believe that I am Elijah. In this way he is still alive.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 345
Explanation and Analysis:
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Elijah Whiskeyjack Quotes in Three Day Road

The Three Day Road quotes below are all either spoken by Elijah Whiskeyjack or refer to Elijah Whiskeyjack. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Prologue Quotes

Elijah swings again, and again the marten squeals. My stomach feels sick. I pick up a heavier piece of wood, step up, and give it a sharp blow to its head. The hide noose snaps and the marten drops to the ground. It doesn’t move. I club its head once.

Elijah stares at me.

“We had to do it,” I say.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
Takoshininaaniwan: Arrival Quotes

Where is he? We spent the whole war together only to lose each other in the last days. A shell landed too close to me. It threw me into the air so that suddenly I was a bird. When I came down I no longer had my left leg. I've always known men aren't meant to fly

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

Smithy shakes his head and looks away. He is small and skinny. He's going bald. He looks like a Hudson's Bay Company man I know back in Moose Factory who teaches Sunday school to the children who live on the reserve and not in the bush, the homeguard children. "That ain't true atall," Smithy mumbles. "There's another Indian feller goes by the name Peggy. Ojibwe, I think." He looks over at me. ''He's got close to a hundred kills but no officer wants to give him credit since he likes working alone." Smithy suddenly stops talking and looks embarrassed that he's said so much. "Peggy's salt of the earth," he adds as an afterthought. "Every Canadian enlisted man knows he ain't no liar."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Smithy (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack, Peggy
Page Number: 22-3
Explanation and Analysis:
Ntawi Nipahiwewak: Raiding Party Quotes

The next morning after stand-to, Thompson approaches Elijah and me. He talks to both of us, but his words are for Elijah. "What do you think of the last days, Whiskeyjack?" he asks, lighting a cigarette, exhaling and looking at the sky.

I can see that Elijah knows exactly what Thompson's asking. Thompson is asking if Elijah likes killing. Elijah considers it for a moment. "It's in my blood," he finally says.

Thompson smiles, then walks off. He didn't ask me the same question. Does he sense something? How am I different? A strange sensation, one I do not recognize, surges up my spine.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Corporal Thompson (speaker)
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Kimociwinikewin: Raid Quotes

The other soldiers often ask Elijah about his name too. And he is happy to talk. His Cree name is Weesageechak. But that is something he doesn't share with the wemistikoshiw. Whiskeyjack is how they say his name, make it their own. He has told me that what they do to his name is what sounds to my ears like a longer word for bastard, making his name a name without a family.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 142-3
Explanation and Analysis:

"Whiskeyjacks should fly better," he says.

Elijah looks at him. "How do you know my name?"

"I don't," the man says. "I was dreaming. There was a flock of whiskeyjacks." He looks confused. "They were pecking at something dead."

Elijah stands and walks back to me.

"What did the old man say to you?" I ask.

"He knew my name. Claims he was dreaming of whiskeyjacks."

"It's a sign,” I say.

"Everything's a sign to you." Elijah looks out the window. "Hey, there’s a sign," he says, pointing outside. "It says Abitibi River. But you wouldn't know that, considering you're a heathen."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker)
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 150-1
Explanation and Analysis:
Ka Nipihat Windigowa: Windigo Killer Quotes

I made Xavier smile with my story of smacking the nun with my paddle, and this gives me hope. Steering the canoe slow through the afternoon I watch him drift into sleep. It is a restless time for him, and his face looks like a scared child's when he cries out. To try and ease him a little, I start talking again. The story is not a happy one, but something in me has to tell it. There is truth in this story that Xavier needs to hear, and maybe it is best that he hears it in sleep so that the medicine in the tale can slip into him unnoticed.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird, Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 240
Explanation and Analysis:

"Why does she call you Nephew and not your real name?" he asked.

"Nephew is my real name," you answered. "I am her nephew."

“Does she ever call you by your Christian name?" he asked.

You shook your head, looked at me nervously. "My name is Nephew."

"Your name is Xavier," your friend answered.

It was not said meanly. I could tell from his voice that the boy was simply trying to understand.

"Your Christian name is Xavier," he said. "And mine is Elijah."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Niska
Page Number: 248
Explanation and Analysis:
Tapakwewin: Snaring Quotes

I remember when he began to explore the places that aren't safe to explore. I remember him learning to love killing rather than simply killing to survive. Even when he went so far into that other place that I worried for him constantly, he still loved to tell me stories. He never lost his ability to talk. I think it was this ability that fooled the others around us into believing he hadn't gone mad. But I knew.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 249
Explanation and Analysis:
Weesageechak: Hero Quotes

Elijah kicks at the ground. "Listen to me, X," he says. "l should never have gotten in that aeroplane. Before that I believed nothing could hurt me over here. But I lost something up there is what it feels like. I need to get it back." Elijah reaches his hand out to a horse. It shies away. "I can see that I went too far into a dangerous place for a while. But I see that." He stops talking, then starts again. "Does that mean something?"

Related Characters: Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Xavier Bird
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 322
Explanation and Analysis:
Nipiwin: Dying Quotes

I do not know how to make them understand who I am. To them I am Elijah Whiskeyjack, sniper and scout. Hero. When I want medicine, I tell the pretty-mouthed nurse that the pain is too bad, that I need a little of it. She leaves for a short time, comes back carrying a needle. I spend hours staring out the window; rubbing at the stub of leg through the pinned-up material of the pajamas, feeling the warm river rushing below me. It is easier not to tell them anything, easier not to explain at all. I allow myself to believe that I am Elijah. In this way he is still alive.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 345
Explanation and Analysis: