Ajarry Quotes in The Underground Railroad
She knew that the white man's scientists peered beneath things to understand how they worked. The movement of the stars across the night, the cooperation of humors in the blood. The temperature requirements for a healthy cotton harvest. Ajarry made a science of her own black body and accumulated observations… in America the quirk was that people were things.
To escape the boundary of the plantation was to escape the fundamental principles of your existence: impossible.

Ajarry Quotes in The Underground Railroad
She knew that the white man's scientists peered beneath things to understand how they worked. The movement of the stars across the night, the cooperation of humors in the blood. The temperature requirements for a healthy cotton harvest. Ajarry made a science of her own black body and accumulated observations… in America the quirk was that people were things.
To escape the boundary of the plantation was to escape the fundamental principles of your existence: impossible.