Shelob Quotes in The Two Towers
Even as Sam himself crouched, looking at her, seeing his death in her eyes, a thought came to him, as if some remote voice had spoken, and he fumbled in his breast with his left hand, and found what he sought: cold and hard and solid it seemed to his touch in a phantom world of horror, the Phial of Galadriel.
As if his indomitable spirit had set its potency in motion, the glass blazed suddenly like a white torch in his hand.

Shelob Quotes in The Two Towers
Even as Sam himself crouched, looking at her, seeing his death in her eyes, a thought came to him, as if some remote voice had spoken, and he fumbled in his breast with his left hand, and found what he sought: cold and hard and solid it seemed to his touch in a phantom world of horror, the Phial of Galadriel.
As if his indomitable spirit had set its potency in motion, the glass blazed suddenly like a white torch in his hand.