The Spanish Tragedy


Thomas Kyd

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Bel-Imperia Character Analysis

Andrea and Horatio’s lover, the Duke of Castile’s daughter, and Lorenzo’s sister. When Andrea is killed by Balthazar, Bel-Imperia vows revenge, and she falls in love with Horatio soon after. For Bel-Imperia, loving Horatio is a form of revenge in itself, as Balthazar, who is a prisoner at her father’s estate, has fallen in love with Bel-Imperia, too. Horatio was Andrea’s best friend, and he was the one to capture Balthazar in battle, so Bel-Imperia knows that loving Horatio will anger Balthazar. When Bel-Imperia discovers that Horatio has taken the scarf that she gave Andrea before the war, she asks him to keep it and wear it in her honor. Neither Bel-Imperia’s father nor her brother, Lorenzo, approved of her relationship with Andrea, and they don’t approve of her relationship with Horatio either. When Bel-Imperia meets Horatio in the garden, she has her servant, Pedringano, keep watch by the gate, but Pedringano betrays her and alerts Lorenzo and Balthazar to their secret meeting. Lorenzo and Balthazar, along with Pedringano and Serberine, sneak into the garden and murder Horatio. They carry Bel-Imperia off and leave Horatio’s body behind, but Bel-Imperia manages to write a letter in her own blood and drop it out the window to Hieronimo below, telling him all about Lorenzo and Balthazar’s murder of Horatio. Hieronimo doesn’t initially believe Bel-Imperia’s letter, and she is locked away in a room on her father’s estate. When Lorenzo finally lets her out, the King of Spain and the Viceroy of Portugal are already arranging her marriage to Balthazar. Bel-Imperia finally exacts her revenge along with Hieronimo in the play-within-a-play during the last act, and she stabs Balthazar to death and before committing suicide. Andrea implies that Bel-Imperia will live in peace in the afterlife, but she is consumed in life by her desire for revenge. The character of Bel-Imperia illustrates the dangers of revenge—which Kyd ultimately argues should be left in the hands of God and law—and she also highlights the power of love to drive people to dire extremes, such as murder and suicide.

Bel-Imperia Quotes in The Spanish Tragedy

The The Spanish Tragedy quotes below are all either spoken by Bel-Imperia or refer to Bel-Imperia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Revenge and Justice  Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 1 Quotes

Not far from hence, amidst ten thousand souls,
Sat Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanth,
To whom no sooner ’gan I make approach,
To crave a passport for my wandering ghost,
But Minos, in graven leaves of lottery,
Drew forth the manner of my life and death.
“This knight,” quoth he, “both lived and died in love.
And for his love tried fortune of the wars.
And by war’s fortune lost both love and life.”

Related Characters: The Ghost of Andrea (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

Then know, Andrea, that thou art arrived
Where thou shalt see the author of thy death,
Don Balthazar, the prince of Portingale,
Deprived of life by Bel-Imperia.
Here sit we down to see the mystery,
And serve for Chorus in this tragedy.

Related Characters: Revenge (speaker), Bel-Imperia, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 8
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 1, Scene 4 Quotes

I took him up, and wound him in mine arms,
And welding him unto my private tent,
There laid him down, and dewed him with my tears,
And sighed and sorrowed as became a friend.
But neither friendly sorrow, sighs nor tears
Could win pale Death from his usurped right.
Yet this I did, and less I could not do:
I saw him honoured with due funeral.
This scarf I plucked from off his lifeless arm,
And wear it in remembrance of my friend.

Related Characters: Horatio (speaker), Bel-Imperia, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Related Symbols: Bel-Imperia’s Scarf
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Ay, go Horatio, leave me here alone,
For solitude best fits my cheerless mood.
Yet what avails to wail Andrea’s death,
From whence Horatio proves my second love?
Had he not loved Andrea as he did,
He could not sit in Bel-Imperia’s thoughts.
But how can love find harbour in my breast,
Till I revenge the death of my beloved?
Yes, second love shall further my revenge.

Related Characters: Bel-Imperia (speaker), Horatio, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Page Number: 23
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 1 Quotes

I have already found a stratagem,
To sound the bottom of this doubtful theme.
My lord, for once you shall be ruled by me:
Hinder me not whate’er you hear or see.
By force or fair means will I cast about
To find the truth of all this question out.
Ho, Pedringano!

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar, Pedringano
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:

Both well, and ill: it makes me glad and sad:
Glad, that I know the hinderer of my love,
Sad, that I fear she hates me whom I love,
Glad, that I know on whom to be revenged,
Sad, that she’ll fly me if I take revenge.
Yet must I take revenge or die myself,
For love resisted grows impatient.
I think Horatio be my destined plague:
First, in his hand he brandished a sword,
And with that sword he fiercely waged war,
And in that war he gave me dangerous wounds,
And by those wounds he forced me to yield,
And by my yielding I became his slave.

Related Characters: Balthazar (speaker), Lorenzo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 3 Quotes

Brother of Castile, to the prince’s love
What says your daughter Bel-Imperia?

Although she coy it as becomes her kind,
And yet dissemble that she loves the prince,
I doubt not, I, but she will stoop in time.
And were she froward, which she will not be,
Yet herein shall she follow my advice,
Which is to love him or forgo my love.

Related Characters: Cyprian, Duke of Castile (speaker), King of Spain (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 4 Quotes

What, will you murder me?

Ay, thus, and thus; these are the fruits of love.

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Horatio (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar, Pedringano, Serberine
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 2 Quotes

This sly enquiry of Hieronimo
For Bel-lmperia breeds suspicion,
And this suspicion bodes a further ill,
As for myself, I know my secret fault;
And so do they, but I have dealt for them.
They that for coin their souls endangered,
To save my life, for coin shall venture theirs:
And better it’s that base companions die,
Than by their life to hazard our good haps.
Nor shall they live, for me to fear their faith:
I’ll trust myself, myself shall be my friend,
For die they shall, slaves are ordained to no other end.

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Hieronimo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, Pedringano, Serberine
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 14 Quotes

Welcome, Balthazar,
Welcome brave prince, the pledge of Castile’s peace;
And welcome Bel-lmperia. How now, girl?
Why com’st thou sadly to salute us thus?
Content thyself, for I am satisfied;
It is not now as when Andrea lived.
We have forgotten and forgiven that,
And thou art graced with a happier love.

Related Characters: Cyprian, Duke of Castile (speaker), Hieronimo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 4 Quotes

And you, my lord, whose reconciled son
Marched in a net, and thought himself unseen
And rated me for brainsick lunacy.
With “God amend that mad Hieronimo!”—
How can you brook our play’s catastrophe?
And here behold this bloody handkercher,
Which at Horatio’s death I weeping dipped
Within the river of his bleeding wounds:
It as propitious, see I have reserved,
And never hath it left my bloody heart,
Soliciting remembrance of my vow
With these, O these accursed murderers:
Which now performed, my heart is satisfied.

Related Characters: Hieronimo (speaker), Lorenzo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, Balthazar, King of Spain
Related Symbols: Bel-Imperia’s Scarf
Page Number: 120
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bel-Imperia Quotes in The Spanish Tragedy

The The Spanish Tragedy quotes below are all either spoken by Bel-Imperia or refer to Bel-Imperia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Revenge and Justice  Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 1 Quotes

Not far from hence, amidst ten thousand souls,
Sat Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanth,
To whom no sooner ’gan I make approach,
To crave a passport for my wandering ghost,
But Minos, in graven leaves of lottery,
Drew forth the manner of my life and death.
“This knight,” quoth he, “both lived and died in love.
And for his love tried fortune of the wars.
And by war’s fortune lost both love and life.”

Related Characters: The Ghost of Andrea (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

Then know, Andrea, that thou art arrived
Where thou shalt see the author of thy death,
Don Balthazar, the prince of Portingale,
Deprived of life by Bel-Imperia.
Here sit we down to see the mystery,
And serve for Chorus in this tragedy.

Related Characters: Revenge (speaker), Bel-Imperia, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 8
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 1, Scene 4 Quotes

I took him up, and wound him in mine arms,
And welding him unto my private tent,
There laid him down, and dewed him with my tears,
And sighed and sorrowed as became a friend.
But neither friendly sorrow, sighs nor tears
Could win pale Death from his usurped right.
Yet this I did, and less I could not do:
I saw him honoured with due funeral.
This scarf I plucked from off his lifeless arm,
And wear it in remembrance of my friend.

Related Characters: Horatio (speaker), Bel-Imperia, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Related Symbols: Bel-Imperia’s Scarf
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Ay, go Horatio, leave me here alone,
For solitude best fits my cheerless mood.
Yet what avails to wail Andrea’s death,
From whence Horatio proves my second love?
Had he not loved Andrea as he did,
He could not sit in Bel-Imperia’s thoughts.
But how can love find harbour in my breast,
Till I revenge the death of my beloved?
Yes, second love shall further my revenge.

Related Characters: Bel-Imperia (speaker), Horatio, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Page Number: 23
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 1 Quotes

I have already found a stratagem,
To sound the bottom of this doubtful theme.
My lord, for once you shall be ruled by me:
Hinder me not whate’er you hear or see.
By force or fair means will I cast about
To find the truth of all this question out.
Ho, Pedringano!

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar, Pedringano
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:

Both well, and ill: it makes me glad and sad:
Glad, that I know the hinderer of my love,
Sad, that I fear she hates me whom I love,
Glad, that I know on whom to be revenged,
Sad, that she’ll fly me if I take revenge.
Yet must I take revenge or die myself,
For love resisted grows impatient.
I think Horatio be my destined plague:
First, in his hand he brandished a sword,
And with that sword he fiercely waged war,
And in that war he gave me dangerous wounds,
And by those wounds he forced me to yield,
And by my yielding I became his slave.

Related Characters: Balthazar (speaker), Lorenzo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 3 Quotes

Brother of Castile, to the prince’s love
What says your daughter Bel-Imperia?

Although she coy it as becomes her kind,
And yet dissemble that she loves the prince,
I doubt not, I, but she will stoop in time.
And were she froward, which she will not be,
Yet herein shall she follow my advice,
Which is to love him or forgo my love.

Related Characters: Cyprian, Duke of Castile (speaker), King of Spain (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 4 Quotes

What, will you murder me?

Ay, thus, and thus; these are the fruits of love.

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Horatio (speaker), Bel-Imperia, Balthazar, Pedringano, Serberine
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 2 Quotes

This sly enquiry of Hieronimo
For Bel-lmperia breeds suspicion,
And this suspicion bodes a further ill,
As for myself, I know my secret fault;
And so do they, but I have dealt for them.
They that for coin their souls endangered,
To save my life, for coin shall venture theirs:
And better it’s that base companions die,
Than by their life to hazard our good haps.
Nor shall they live, for me to fear their faith:
I’ll trust myself, myself shall be my friend,
For die they shall, slaves are ordained to no other end.

Related Characters: Lorenzo (speaker), Hieronimo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, Pedringano, Serberine
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 14 Quotes

Welcome, Balthazar,
Welcome brave prince, the pledge of Castile’s peace;
And welcome Bel-lmperia. How now, girl?
Why com’st thou sadly to salute us thus?
Content thyself, for I am satisfied;
It is not now as when Andrea lived.
We have forgotten and forgiven that,
And thou art graced with a happier love.

Related Characters: Cyprian, Duke of Castile (speaker), Hieronimo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, The Ghost of Andrea, Balthazar
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 4 Quotes

And you, my lord, whose reconciled son
Marched in a net, and thought himself unseen
And rated me for brainsick lunacy.
With “God amend that mad Hieronimo!”—
How can you brook our play’s catastrophe?
And here behold this bloody handkercher,
Which at Horatio’s death I weeping dipped
Within the river of his bleeding wounds:
It as propitious, see I have reserved,
And never hath it left my bloody heart,
Soliciting remembrance of my vow
With these, O these accursed murderers:
Which now performed, my heart is satisfied.

Related Characters: Hieronimo (speaker), Lorenzo, Bel-Imperia, Horatio, Balthazar, King of Spain
Related Symbols: Bel-Imperia’s Scarf
Page Number: 120
Explanation and Analysis: