The Spanish Tragedy


Thomas Kyd

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Spanish Tragedy makes teaching easy.

The Spanish Tragedy Characters


Horatio’s father, Isabella’s husband, and the protagonist of The Spanish Tragedy. Hieronimo is the Knight Marshall of Spain—a sort of official judge—as well as a poet and playwright, who occasionally stages plays… read analysis of Hieronimo


Bel-Imperia’s brother, the Duke of Castile’s son, and the antagonist of The Spanish Tragedy. Lorenzo is a despicable man who treats his sister badly and steals a fellow soldier’s glory on the… read analysis of Lorenzo


Andrea and Horatio’s lover, the Duke of Castile’s daughter, and Lorenzo’s sister. When Andrea is killed by Balthazar, Bel-Imperia vows revenge, and she falls in love with Horatio soon after. For… read analysis of Bel-Imperia


Hieronimo and Isabella’s son, Andrea’s friend, and Bel-Imperia’s lover. After Andrea is killed by Balthazar in battle during the war with Portugal, Horatio performs Andrea’s funeral rites and mourns the loss of… read analysis of Horatio

The Ghost of Andrea

A Spanish courtier and Bel-Imperia’s lover. Don Andrea is killed by Balthazar during a battle with Portugal before the play begins, and while it is not explicitly stated, it is implied that Balthazar’s actions… read analysis of The Ghost of Andrea
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The son of the Viceroy of Portugal. Balthazar kills Andrea, a Spanish courtier, during battle with Spain, and in death, Andrea vows revenge. After killing Andrea, Balthazar is captured by Horatio and taken… read analysis of Balthazar


The personification of revenge. Revenge and the Ghost of Andrea serve as the chorus of the play, as they observe the action and occasionally comment. After Andrea is killed by Balthazar and swears revenge in… read analysis of Revenge


Bel-Imperia’s servant. Pedringano is first introduced when Lorenzo bribes him to reveal Bel-Imperia’s love interest. Pedringano easily betrays Bel-Imperia, takes Lorenzo’s money, and reports that Bel-Imperia is in love with Horatio. Pedringano again… read analysis of Pedringano

Cyprian, Duke of Castile

Bel-Imperia and Lorenzo’s father and the King of Spain’s brother. The Duke of Castile is a rich and powerful man, and the king orders that Balthazar be held prisoner at Castile’s estate because… read analysis of Cyprian, Duke of Castile


Hieronimo’s wife and Horatio’s mother. Isabella runs into the garden after Hieronimo the night Horatio is murdered by Lorenzo and Balthazar, and she warns Hieronimo not to be hasty in seeking revenge… read analysis of Isabella


A Portuguese nobleman. After the war with Spain, Alexandro returns to Portugal, where Villuppo, a fellow nobleman, accuses him of shooting Balthazar, the Viceroy of Portugal’s son, in the back during battle… read analysis of Alexandro


A Portuguese nobleman. After Balthazar is taken prisoner by Horatio during the war with Spain, Villuppo returns to Portugal and tells the Viceroy of Portugal that his son, Balthazar, has been shot in the back… read analysis of Villuppo


An old man who comes to see Hieronimo in his official capacity as Knight Marshall to seek justice for the murder of his own son. Drowning in grief and beginning to mentally unravel, Hieronimo corrects… read analysis of Bazulto


Balthazar’s servant. Serberine is with Balthazar, Lorenzo, and Pedringano the night they kill Horatio in the garden. Lorenzo is wrongly convinced that Serberine has betrayed them to Hieronimo, so Lorenzo pays Pedringano… read analysis of Serberine

Viceroy of Portugal

Balthazar’s father and the ruler of Portugal. When Balthazar is taken prisoner by Horatio, the viceroy is certain that his son is dead. The viceroy is obviously relieved when his son if found… read analysis of Viceroy of Portugal

King of Spain

The Duke of Castile’s brother and uncle to Bel-Imperia and Lorenzo. While little is known about the king, he arranges the marriage between Bel-Imperia and Balthazar to unite the royal houses of Spain… read analysis of King of Spain

Lorenzo’s Page

One of Lorenzo’s servants. After Pedringano is arrested for Serberine’s murder, Lorenzo sends his page to the prison with a box containing Pedringano’s pardon from the King of Spain. Lorenzo orders the… read analysis of Lorenzo’s Page

Portuguese Ambassador

A diplomat sent by the Viceroy of Portugal to Spain after the war. When the ambassador first arrives in Spain, he discovers that Balthazar is alive and a prisoner of the Spanish court. The ambassador… read analysis of Portuguese Ambassador