The Sorrows of Young Werther


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A friend of Werther’s at court. The Count is an aristocrat who, despite his higher social stauts, befriends Werther. He often has Werther over to his house for dinner and he speaks freely with him, as though they were equals, while at court. The two share a genuine affection for one another that seems to transcend social status. However, when the Count’s noble friends come to call, they are outraged to find Werther in their midst.
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Count C. Character Timeline in The Sorrows of Young Werther

The timeline below shows where the character Count C. appears in The Sorrows of Young Werther. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book One: October 20, 1771-February 20, 1772
Upper Class and Lower Class Theme Icon
By the end of November, Werther has made a friend out of Count C. The Count’s education and warmth impress Werther, and he feels they have a genuine friendship that extends... (full context)
Book Two: March 15-May 25, 1772
Self-Absorption of Youth Theme Icon
Upper Class and Lower Class Theme Icon
Women Theme Icon
Werther attends dinner at Count C. ’s house and the two find themselves absorbed in after-dinner conversation. The Count, however, has... (full context)
The Heart vs. The Mind Theme Icon
Self-Absorption of Youth Theme Icon
Upper Class and Lower Class Theme Icon
Women Theme Icon
Suicide Theme Icon
...and the other nobles, who have been mocking Werther ceaselessly ever since he left the Count’s home. Werther regrets (privately, to Wilhelm) that none of the aristocrats have mocked him to... (full context)