The Song of Achilles is narrated by Patroclus, but the story centers around the hero Achilles, who has been destined since birth to be the best fighter in Greece and who later discovers that he’s fated to die in the Trojan War. Achilles’s skill as a soldier is an innate part of him, but he’s also loving and kind toward Patroclus and initially dislikes violence. Patroclus constantly attempts to distinguish between the Achilles who hurts people and the Achilles who loves him; he believes the latter Achilles is the real one. Other people think that Achilles is an innate killer, while Patroclus believes he’s innately good. But ultimately, the novel suggests that people aren’t born with an innate selfhood. Believing that someone is born to be a certain way—killer or lover—only absolves them of responsibility for their actions.
Because Patroclus loves Achilles, he and Achilles’s mentor, Chiron, believe that Achilles is innately good. As a child, Patroclus is attracted to Achilles’s innocence, as Achilles is deeply honest and hates deceit. Though Achilles is destined to fight someday, he spends most of his time playing the lyre, which Patroclus associates with childhood innocence. This is his most lasting impression of Achilles, and it’s one that will persist even after Achilles steps into a warrior role. Patroclus later insists that the “real” Achilles is childlike and innocent, and that everyone around Achilles manipulates him to act badly. When Patroclus first sees Achilles fight as a child, he’s frightened by Achilles’s innate skill. Achilles wasn’t trained by anyone, yet he’s already a talented warrior. Patroclus’s instinct is to divert Achilles’s skill by asking Achilles to fight him. This impulse suggests that he’s uncomfortable with the way violence is part of Achilles, and he wants Achilles’s skill to be external rather than internal. If violence is just what Achilles does rather than what he is, that means Achilles is still an innocent and good person. Achilles’s mentor, Chiron, later adopts this same impulse when he sends Achilles a spear before he goes to war. The spear is a way to hurt people, but it’s molded specifically to Achilles’s hand. This means that it’s an extension of Achilles’s body, so it gives Achilles a way to kill people without becoming monstrous: if the spear is only an extension of him, then his fighting skill is just one part of who he is, not all of who he is. The spear also resembles a lyre, which suggests that Achilles will remain innocent in some way even after he begins to hurt others. Chiron and Patroclus both believe that Achilles can separate his identity as a killer from his “true” self, because that true self is innately good.
Other people believe that Achilles was born to be a killer. Before the Trojan War begins, Achilles’s fellow soldier, Odysseus, tells Patroclus that Achilles is ultimately just a “weapon.” Odysseus believes that Achilles needs to toughen up and leave his innocence behind, because the gods created him to hurt people. This suggests that no matter how kind or good Achilles seems, he’s never going to be anything more than a murderer. Similarly, Achilles’s goddess mother, Thetis, thinks that Achilles’s humanity makes him weak. At the end of the novel, she tells Achilles that she shouldn’t have allowed him to grow up alongside humans. The implication is that if she had raised Achilles herself, he would have fulfilled his destiny as a killer without any regrets or moral quandaries. In other words, Achilles was always supposed to be a cold-blooded killer.
However, both of these beliefs—that Achilles is innately good, and that Achilles is innately murderous—only absolve him of personal responsibility. After all, if Achilles is innately good, then his kills aren’t part of who he is, and instead they’re something that he does. This actually makes his choices worse: if Achilles is good enough to know that what he’s doing is wrong, then the fact that he uses his skill to hurt people is morally reprehensible. Still, his innate goodness would absolve him of responsibility: if “true” self has nothing to do with what he does, then he never has to face consequences for his actions or reckon with his choices. He can rest assured that he’s a good person and that his capacity for violence is separate from who he really is. But if Achilles is innately murderous, he also can’t be held responsible for anything he does. If he murders people, that murder is excusable because he has no other choice and is only using the gifts the gods gave him.
Ultimately, Achilles’s destiny depends on the fact that he’s both a lover and a fighter, which means that he’s not innately one thing. Achilles was always fated to die after the Trojan prince Hector, and Patroclus believes that Achilles will be the one to kill Hector. This ends up being true, but the only reason Achilles kills Hector is because Hector killed Patroclus. If Achilles didn’t grow up with and care about Patroclus—in other words, if he was just a cold-blooded murderer—he probably wouldn’t have killed Hector, and if he wasn’t a skilled murderer, he wouldn’t have been able to. As his destiny predicted, Achilles dies shortly after he kills Hector. His fate relied on both elements of his identity, so contrary to the belief of people like Patroclus and Odysseus, Achilles’s identity was never fixed. That means that Achilles was responsible for his choices and for his selfhood—that selfhood wasn’t chosen for him.
Selfhood and Responsibility ThemeTracker

Selfhood and Responsibility Quotes in The Song of Achilles
It was my mother's lyre, the one my father had sent as part of my price.
Achilles plucked a string. The note rose warm and resonant, sweetly pure. My mother had always pulled her chair close to the bards when they came, so close my father would scowl and the servants would whisper. I remembered, suddenly, the dark gleam of her eyes in the firelight as she watched the bard's hands. The look on her face was like thirst.
His fingers touched the strings, and all my thoughts were displaced. The sound was pure and sweet as water, bright as lemons. It was like no music I had ever heard before. It had warmth as a fire does, a texture and weight like polished ivory. It buoyed and soothed at once.
His movements were so precise I could almost see the men he fought, ten, twenty of them, advancing on all sides. He leapt, scything his spear, even as his other hand snatched the sword from its sheath. He swung out with them both, moving like liquid, like a fish through the waves.
He stopped, suddenly. I could hear his breaths, only a little louder than usual, in the still afternoon air.
"Who trained you?" I asked. I did not know what else to say.
"My father, a little."
A little. I felt almost frightened. "No one else?"
I stepped forward. "Fight me."
He made a sound almost like a laugh. “No. Of course not."
"Fight me." I felt in a trance. He had been trained, a little, by his father. The rest was—what? Divine? This was more of the gods than I had ever seen in my life.
"Men will hear of your skill, and they will wish for you to fight their wars." He paused. "What will you answer?"
"I do not know," Achilles said.
"That is an answer for now. It will not be good enough later," Chiron said.
"What about me?" I asked.
Chiron's dark eyes moved to rest on mine. "You will never gain fame from your fighting. Is this surprising to you?"
His tone was matter-of-fact, and somehow that eased the sting of it.
"No," I said truthfully.
"Yet it is not beyond you to be a competent soldier. Do you wish to learn this?"
I thought of the boy's dulled eyes, how quickly his blood had soaked the ground. I thought of Achilles, the greatest warrior of his generation. I thought of Thetis who would take him from me, if she could.
"No," I said.
His eyes opened. "Name one hero who was happy."
I considered. Heracles went mad and killed his family; Theseus lost his bride and father; Jason's children and new wife were murdered by his old; Bellerophon killed the Chimera but was crippled by the fall from Pegasus' back.
"You can't." He was sitting up now, leaning forward.
"I can't."
"I know. They never let you be famous and happy." He lifted an eyebrow. "I'll tell you a secret."
"Tell me." I loved it when he was like this.
"I'm going to be the first." He took my palm and held it to his. "Swear it."
"Why me?"
"Because you're the reason. Swear it."
"I swear it," I said, lost in the high color of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes.
"I swear it," he echoed.
We sat like that a moment, hands touching. He grinned. "I feel like I could eat the world raw."
"I do not think I could bear it," he said, at last. His eyes were closed, as if against horrors. I knew he spoke not of his death, but of the nightmare Odysseus had spun, the loss of his brilliance, the withering of his grace. I had seen the joy he took in his own skill, the roaring vitality that was always just beneath the surface. Who was he if not miraculous and radiant? Who was he if not destined for fame?
"I would not care," I said. The words scrabbled from my mouth. "Whatever you became. It would not matter to me. We would be together."
"I know," he said quietly, but did not look at me.
He knew, but it was not enough.
My hand closed over his. "You must not kill Hector," I said. He looked up, his beautiful face framed by the gold of his hair.
"My mother told you the rest of the prophecy."
"She did."
"And you think that no one but me can kill Hector."
"Yes," I said.
"And you think to steal time from the Fates?"
"Ah." A sly smile spread across his face; he had always loved defiance. "Well, why should I kill him? He's done nothing to me."
For the first time then, I felt a kind of hope.
Finally, last of all: a long spear, ash sapling peeled of bark and polished until it glowed like gray flame. From Chiron, Peleus said, handing it to his son. We bent over it, our fingers trailing its surface as if to catch the centaur's lingering presence. Such a fine gift would have taken weeks of Chiron's deft shaping; he must have begun it almost the day that we left. Did he know, or only guess at Achilles' destiny? As he lay alone in his rose-colored cave, had some glimmer of prophecy come to him? Perhaps he simply assumed: a bitterness of habit, of boy after boy trained for music and medicine, and unleashed for murder.
Yet this beautiful spear had been fashioned not in bitterness, but love. Its shape would fit no one's hand but Achilles', and its heft could suit no one's strength but his. And though the point was keen and deadly, the wood itself slipped under our fingers like the slender oiled strut of a lyre.
He leaned forward in his chair. “May I give you some advice? If you are truly his friend, you will help him leave this soft heart behind. He's going to Troy to kill men, not rescue them.” His dark eyes held me like swift-running current. “He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
The words drove breath from me, left me stuttering. “He is not—”
“But he is. The best the gods have ever made. And it is time he knew it, and you did too. If you hear nothing else I say, hear that. I do not say it in malice.”
I listened to every word, imagining it was a story only. As if it were dark figures on an urn he spoke of instead of men […] I learned to sleep through the day so that I would not be tired when he returned; he always needed to talk then, to tell me down to the last detail about the faces and the wounds and the movements of men. And I wanted to be able to listen, to digest the bloody images, to paint them flat and unremarkable onto the vase of posterity. To release him from it and make him Achilles again.
“Her safety for my honor. Are you happy with your trade?”
“There is no honor in betraying your friends.”
“It is strange,” he says, “that you would speak against betrayal.”
There is more pain in those words, almost, than I can bear. I force myself to think of Briseis. “It was the only way.”
“You chose her,” he says. “Over me.”
"Over your pride."
“My life is my reputation,” he says. His breath sounds ragged. “It is all I have. I will not live much longer. Memory is all I can hope for.” He swallows, thickly. “You know this. And would you let Agamemnon destroy it? Would you help him take it from me?”
“I would not,” I say. “But I would have the memory be worthy of the man. I would have you be yourself, not some tyrant remembered for his cruelty.”
The thought of Troy's fall pierces me with vicious pleasure. They deserve to lose their city. It is their fault, all of it. We have lost ten years, and so many men, and Achilles will die, because of them. No more.
I will crack their uncrackable city, and capture Helen, the precious gold yolk within. I imagine dragging her out under my arm, dumping her before Menelaus. Done. No more men will have to die for her vanity.
[… ]
I am delirious, fevered with my dream of Helen captive in my arms. The stones are like dark waters that flow ceaselessly over something I have dropped, that I want back. I forget about the god, why I have fallen, why my feet stick in the same crevices I have already climbed. Perhaps this is all I do, I think, demented—climb walls and fall from them.
He lifts his ashen spear.
No, I beg him. It is his own death he holds, his own blood that he will spill.
Hector's eyes are wide, but he will run no longer. He says, “Grant me this. Give my body to my family, when you have killed me.”
Achilles makes a sound like choking. “There are no bargains between lions and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.”
Her skin is whiter than I have ever seen it. “Do not be a fool. It is only my power that—”
“What does it matter?” He cuts her off, snarling. "He is dead. Can your power bring him back?”
“No," she says. "Nothing can.”
He stands. “Do you think I cannot see your rejoicing? I know how you hated him. You have always hated him! If you had not gone to Zeus, he would be alive!”
“He is a mortal,” she says. “And mortals die.”
“I am a mortal!” he screams. “What good is godhead, if it cannot do this? What good are you?”
“I know you are mortal,” she says. She places each cold word as a tile in a mosaic. “I know it better than anyone. I left you too long on Pelion. It has ruined you.”
Others stand at the base to look at the scenes of his life carved on the stone. They are a little hastily done, but clear enough. Achilles killing Memnon, killing Hector, killing Penthesilea. Nothing but death. This is how Pyrrhus’ tomb might look. Is this how he will be remembered?
You said that Chiron ruined him. You are a goddess, and cold, and know nothing. You are the one who ruined him. Look at how he will be remembered now. Killing Hector, killing Troilus. For things he did cruelly in his grief.
Her face is like stone itself. It does not move. The days rise and fall.
Perhaps such things pass for virtue among the gods. But how is there glory in taking a life? We die so easily. Would you make him another Pyrrhus? Let the stories of him be something more.
"What more?" she says.
For once I am not afraid. What else can she do to me?
Returning Hector's body to Priam, I say. That should be remembered.