The Silver Chair


C. S. Lewis

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The Silver Chair: Chapter 15 Summary & Analysis

Puddleglum hoists Jill up on his shoulders so she can look through the hole emanating light. Jill manages to push herself up through the opening, where she immediately gets hit in the mouth with a snowball, causing her to issue a muffled cry and fall to the snow-covered ground outside the hole. When Jill looks around, she sees a variety of creatures partaking in the Great Snow Dance, an annual Narnian tradition that involves dancing and throwing snowballs.
The Narnian festivities represent a return to normal for everyone except Jill, who barely spent time in Narnia before setting off on her quest. Still, the sight of Narnians and their festivities is a welcome relief that signals the end of a long and difficult journey.
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When Jill realizes she has made it back to the surface, she gets the attention of everyone she can and asks them to help her pull her friends out of the ground. Soon, a team works to locate Puddleglum, Rilian, and Scrubb, who aren’t sure what has happened. They think it looks like someone attacked Jill and took her away. They think it possible that they merely found a different layer of the Underland and are still far away from the surface.
This is a comic scene that utilizes dramatic irony, as Puddleglum, Scrubb, and Rilian still believe they are in a life or death situation, even though the reality of their situation could not be more fortunate. Their confusion demonstrates the extent to which the Underland has muddled their senses.
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Feeling brave, Scrubb asks to climb atop Puddleglum’s shoulders with his sword in hand. When he emerges from the hole, he tries to fight a variety of Narnians, who he believes are his enemy. However, Jill quickly explains what has happened, and Scrubb calms down, happy to be out of the Underland. Eventually, Puddleglum and Rilian make it out of the hole as well. The Narnians are stunned to see Rilian, who they recognize immediately. Once everyone is safe, the Narnians offer the group food, drinks, and shelter, which they happily accept.
Scrubb shows great courage as he exits the hole thinking he might have to fend off an army of enemies by himself in his quest to save Jill. Luckily, although his bravery is appreciated, it is not needed, and he finally feels a sense of relief after being trapped in the Underdark for so long. Prince Rilian’s return to Narnia signals a return to normalcy, as King Caspian now has an heir.
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