The Silver Chair


C. S. Lewis

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The Silver Chair: Chapter 14 Summary & Analysis

The Earthman introduces himself to the rest of the group as Golg and tells them what has been happening with the other Earthmen. The Earthmen were going about their business as usual when suddenly a big crack opened up in the ground and a red light spilled out. Upon seeing the light, the Earthmen began to think about how they had not danced or been jolly in a long time. Eventually, they came to the realization that they had been under another one of the Queen of the Underland’s enchantments for as long as they could remember. 
Earlier in the novel, Jill thinks about how the Earthmen look melancholy rather than frightening. Here, Lewis reveals the reason for their condition; they looked gray and sad because the Queen’s enchantment was sucking their vitality out of them. Like Rilian, they were essentially enslaved by the Queen, which left an emotional and spiritual void inside of them. Only now that the Queen is gone are they able to start to feel emotions again.
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Golg also informs them that the Earthmen come from a land called Bism, which is even further beneath the Earth’s surface. The crack that opened up in the ground leads to Bism, which the Earthmen are excited to return to. However, to ensure no further issues, they planned to fight the Queen of the Underland and Rilian, who they assumed was still on the Queen’s side. Rilian explains to Golg that he was under an enchantment as well and means the Earthmen no harm.
There is a symmetry to how Lewis structures his world, with the Underland representing a sort of gray purgatory with glorious and lively regions above and below it. Just as Rilian wants to return to the Overland, the Earthmen want to return to Bism because returning home means restoring the proper order of the world.
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Rilian asks Golg if he can help them find the tunnel to the Overland before he returns to Bism. Golg happily points it out, though he has no interest in traveling it with them. To Golg, the thought of the Overland, especially the sky, sounds terrifying. In fact, all of the Earthmen feel the same way; digging the tunnel to the Overland was like torture for them. Golg also offers to take the group with him to Bism, where he promises to show them jewels and dragon-like creatures he calls salamanders.
Golg cannot comprehend the nature of Narnia and the rest of the overland any more than Rilian can fathom Bism. The Queen forcing Golg and his fellow Earthmen to dig to the Overland represents an upheaval of the natural order of the world that is based on the suffering of others.
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Jill assumes that no one else will have any interest in Golg’s suggestion, but the idea intrigues Rilian. King Caspian sailed to the world’s end and Rilian wants to accomplish a similar feat by exploring the bottom of the world. Jill also can tell by the look on Scrubb’s face that he is also interested. However, Puddleglum steps in and tells Rilian that they should return to the Overland; after all, King Caspian might not live much longer, and they have already had quite the adventure as it is. Rilian realizes Puddleglum is right and agrees to return to the Overland.
Rilian and Scrubb are tempted to visit Bism against their better judgement because of the fame and fortune they might find there. Luckily, they have Puddleglum and Jill to help them see the error of their ways, especially as it relates to King Caspian. However, even if King Caspian were in good health, a trip to Bism would be dangerous and perhaps make it impossible for Rilian and his new friends to ever return to the surface.
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Moments later, the crack leading to Bism begins to close. Not wanting to miss his opportunity, Golg says goodbye and then runs into the crack, along with many other Earthmen. Once the crack has closed, Jill, Scrubb, Rilian, and Puddleglum get on their horses and ride to the path Golg pointed out to them. Unfortunately, the path is lit by the dull lights they experienced previously in the Underland. As they travel, less and less light shines through, and eventually the lights go out altogether. At that point, the group makes their way along the trail in pure darkness. After some time, they finally come to a spot where they see a small speck of light coming through the earth above their head. Puddleglum tells Jill to get on his shoulders so she can determine whether it is a way out.
Although Golg does his best to help, Rilian and his new friends are now left on their own to escape the crumbling Underland. As the lights continue to fade in the Underland, the path forward appears less and less promising. However, the group sticks together and relies on one another to help propel them forward. Eventually, they find light, which is a symbol of hope and a possible sign that they have reached the Overland. However, before they can know for sure, they have to engage in yet another act of teamwork, as Jill climbs on Puddleglum’s shoulders.
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