The Plague of Doves


Louise Erdrich

Tobek Hoag is a resident of Pluto in 1911. Shortly after a white family is found murdered, Tobek flees Pluto, making some residents of the town suspect Tobek of the crime, even after a group of white vigilantes falsely blames four young Indian men. Eventually, it is revealed that Tobek (who was later killed in World War I) is innocent, and Cordelia Lochren—the sole survivor of the murders—discovers that her family was killed by Warren Wolde.
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Tobek Hoag Character Timeline in The Plague of Doves

The timeline below shows where the character Tobek Hoag appears in The Plague of Doves. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
5. Holy Track
Punishment vs. Justice Theme Icon
Later, it would come out that a young White man named Tobek Hoag had run away shortly before the murders. Though his sister Electa knew of her... (full context)
21. Disaster Stamps of Pluto
Ancestry, History, and Interconnection Theme Icon
Punishment vs. Justice Theme Icon
...murder scene. The baby was adopted by Oric and Electa Hoag, even though Electa’s brother Tobek was suspected of the murders. The Hoags sent their adopted daughter to college, then medical... (full context)
Ancestry, History, and Interconnection Theme Icon
Punishment vs. Justice Theme Icon
...she often received in her childhood. Did these bills mean that the murderer was not Tobek but someone else, someone still alive? (full context)