The Plague of Doves


Louise Erdrich

Johann Vogeli Character Analysis

Johann Vogeli is a German settler of Pluto. In 1911, when Johann was a young teenager, Johann’s father Frederic was among the white vigilantes leading the call to lynch Mooshum, Holy Track, Asiginak, and Cuthbert Peace. When Johann realized that Holy Track, about to be hanged, was his own age, Johann burst into tears, attacking his father in an (unsuccessful) attempt to stop the lynching. Mooshum never forgets Johann’s reaction, and the men remain friends for life.

Johann Vogeli Quotes in The Plague of Doves

The The Plague of Doves quotes below are all either spoken by Johann Vogeli or refer to Johann Vogeli. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ancestry, History, and Interconnection Theme Icon
8. Town Fever Quotes

As he entered the cabin, he saw a watery slur of movement. In the light from the open door an otter popped his head up and regarded him with the curious and trusting gaze of a young child. Slowly, not taking his eyes off the creature, Joseph aimed and shot. The otter died in a bloody swirl and Joseph found, when he fished it out, that his eyes had filled with tears. In a moment he was weeping helplessly over the gleaming and sinuous body of the creature.

[…] For he’d had the instant horror that he had committed a murder. And that conviction still filled him. The creature was an emissary of some sort. He’d known as they held that human stare. Joseph himself was part of all that was sustained and destroyed by a mysterious power. He had killed its messenger. And the otter wasn’t even edible.

Related Characters: Judge Antone Bazil Coutts (speaker), Evelina Harp, Mooshum (Seraph Milk) , Joseph Coutts, Doctor Cordelia Lochren (“C.”), Johann Vogeli
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:
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Johann Vogeli Quotes in The Plague of Doves

The The Plague of Doves quotes below are all either spoken by Johann Vogeli or refer to Johann Vogeli. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ancestry, History, and Interconnection Theme Icon
8. Town Fever Quotes

As he entered the cabin, he saw a watery slur of movement. In the light from the open door an otter popped his head up and regarded him with the curious and trusting gaze of a young child. Slowly, not taking his eyes off the creature, Joseph aimed and shot. The otter died in a bloody swirl and Joseph found, when he fished it out, that his eyes had filled with tears. In a moment he was weeping helplessly over the gleaming and sinuous body of the creature.

[…] For he’d had the instant horror that he had committed a murder. And that conviction still filled him. The creature was an emissary of some sort. He’d known as they held that human stare. Joseph himself was part of all that was sustained and destroyed by a mysterious power. He had killed its messenger. And the otter wasn’t even edible.

Related Characters: Judge Antone Bazil Coutts (speaker), Evelina Harp, Mooshum (Seraph Milk) , Joseph Coutts, Doctor Cordelia Lochren (“C.”), Johann Vogeli
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis: