Kinyani Quotes in The One and Only Ivan
She starts to leave, then runs back to my cage. “I almost forgot. This is for you, Ivan.”
She slips a piece of paper into my cage. It’s a drawing of Ruby and me.
We’re eating yogurt raisins. Ruby is playing with another baby elephant, and I’m holding hands with a lovely gorilla.
She has red lips and a flower in her hair.
I look, as I always do in Julia’s pictures, like an elegant fellow, but something is different about this drawing.
In this picture, I am smiling.

Kinyani Quotes in The One and Only Ivan
She starts to leave, then runs back to my cage. “I almost forgot. This is for you, Ivan.”
She slips a piece of paper into my cage. It’s a drawing of Ruby and me.
We’re eating yogurt raisins. Ruby is playing with another baby elephant, and I’m holding hands with a lovely gorilla.
She has red lips and a flower in her hair.
I look, as I always do in Julia’s pictures, like an elegant fellow, but something is different about this drawing.
In this picture, I am smiling.