The One and Only Ivan


Katherine Applegate

Kinyani Character Analysis

Kinyani is a female gorilla who lives at the zoo where Ivan eventually ends up. She and Ivan are interested in each other romantically. Ivan thinks she’s beautiful—but she’s also terrifying in that she knows how to act like a gorilla and wants to test to make sure Ivan can behave as a silverback should.

Kinyani Quotes in The One and Only Ivan

The The One and Only Ivan quotes below are all either spoken by Kinyani or refer to Kinyani. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Animal Abuse and Human Cruelty Theme Icon
the next morning—photo Quotes

She starts to leave, then runs back to my cage. “I almost forgot. This is for you, Ivan.”

She slips a piece of paper into my cage. It’s a drawing of Ruby and me.

We’re eating yogurt raisins. Ruby is playing with another baby elephant, and I’m holding hands with a lovely gorilla.

She has red lips and a flower in her hair.

I look, as I always do in Julia’s pictures, like an elegant fellow, but something is different about this drawing.

In this picture, I am smiling.

Related Characters: Ivan (speaker), Ivan (speaker), Julia (speaker), Julia (speaker), Ruby, Ruby, Kinyani, Kinyani
Related Symbols: The Billboard, The Billboard
Page Number: 247-48
Explanation and Analysis:
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Kinyani Quotes in The One and Only Ivan

The The One and Only Ivan quotes below are all either spoken by Kinyani or refer to Kinyani. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Animal Abuse and Human Cruelty Theme Icon
the next morning—photo Quotes

She starts to leave, then runs back to my cage. “I almost forgot. This is for you, Ivan.”

She slips a piece of paper into my cage. It’s a drawing of Ruby and me.

We’re eating yogurt raisins. Ruby is playing with another baby elephant, and I’m holding hands with a lovely gorilla.

She has red lips and a flower in her hair.

I look, as I always do in Julia’s pictures, like an elegant fellow, but something is different about this drawing.

In this picture, I am smiling.

Related Characters: Ivan (speaker), Ivan (speaker), Julia (speaker), Julia (speaker), Ruby, Ruby, Kinyani, Kinyani
Related Symbols: The Billboard, The Billboard
Page Number: 247-48
Explanation and Analysis: