The Notebook


Nicholas Sparks

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The Notebook: Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis

Noah walks Anne to the door and bids her goodbye. He knows that Allie needs to be alone, so he leaves her in the living room while he goes to sit on the porch. After a while, Allie comes outside to join him. She apologizes for her mother’s sudden appearance, claiming she had no idea something like this would happen—but Noah says he never forgot they’d have to deal with the consequences of their choice sooner rather than later. Noah asks what he can do, but Allie insists that she must figure out the way forward alone. She has no idea what to say to Lon, though, and she is unsure of whether she should tell him the truth of what’s happened with Noah.
As the moment of truth nears, Noah becomes withdrawn and resigned while Allie becomes sad and anxious. Allie knows that in surrendering to her desire for Noah she has jeopardized not just her relationship with Lon, but the entire future she imagined would come along with it. 
Love and Destiny Theme Icon
Wealth and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Comfort and Logic vs. Passion and Instinct  Theme Icon
What Allie wants, she says, is Noah—but she also wants a happy ending that doesn’t hurt anyone. Noah somewhat angrily tells Allie that she can’t live her life for other people—she has to do what she wants. Allie says she’s aware of that, but she adds that she wants to make a decision she can live with for the rest of her life. Noah asks if she could leave him without looking back. Allie says she couldn’t. Noah points out that such a life wouldn’t be fair to Lon. He begs Allie to see that they are adults now and can make their own decisions. As tears fill Allie’s eyes, it becomes clear just how deeply conflicted she is.
In this passage, Noah attempts to shake Allie out of the misplaced desire to return to her life as it was before. From their conversations over the last several days, he knows that she will not be truly happy with Lon. Allie, however, has endured a lifetime of being conditioned to make logical, “safe” decisions which prioritize the well-being of everyone but herself.
Love and Destiny Theme Icon
Memory, Pain, and Mortality Theme Icon
Comfort and Logic vs. Passion and Instinct  Theme Icon
Noah tells Allie that he already knows she won’t stay—even though she wants to. Allie, crying, begs Noah to understand. Noah says he doesn’t want to understand. He reminds her that if she leaves, they’ll likely never see each other again. Noah embraces Allie and tries to keep himself from crying as he promises her that no matter what she decides, he’ll never forget the days they’ve shared.
Noah has attempted to use the last few days to remind Allie of the pleasures of a simple life—yet in the end, he believes his attempts to remind her of the passion and happiness that are possible with him have ultimately failed.
Love and Destiny Theme Icon
Wealth and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Comfort and Logic vs. Passion and Instinct  Theme Icon
Allie goes inside to gather up her things. When she emerges from the house once again, she gives Noah the drawing she made of him back at the hotel. Noah appraises the drawing and tells Allie that she really is a true artist. He walks her to her car and opens the door for her. Noah tells Allie that he loves her, and Allie says that she loves him, too. She gets into the car and starts the engine. As she does, Noah mouths “stay with me” through the window. Allie begins crying, but she nevertheless puts the car in gear and begins to drive away.
Allie knows she can’t express to Noah all she wants to say—she can’t explain the many lives and fates that are bound up in whatever decision she makes, and she can’t make him understand that she’s been brought up with a flawed but deeply-ingrained set of priorities. Instead, Allie gives Noah a drawing of him in order to communicate her innermost feelings of love, passion, regret, and sadness.
Love and Destiny Theme Icon
Wealth and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Comfort and Logic vs. Passion and Instinct  Theme Icon
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As Noah watches Allie’s car leave, he grows dizzy with disbelief. Though he wants to shout for her to turn around, he forces himself to remain silent. As the car passes out of sight, Noah fears he has lost Allie forever. He notices that Allie, like Anne, did not look back even once after setting out.
Noah is devastated as he fears that he has just said goodbye to Allie for the last time ever. He believes that Allie’s allegiance to logic, to the pursuit of wealth, and to the social class into which she was born have at last outweighed her love for him.
Love and Destiny Theme Icon
Wealth and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Comfort and Logic vs. Passion and Instinct  Theme Icon