Godfrey Ablewhite’s father, a wealthy man who worries constantly about his social status because of his low birth and the fact that he made his money rather than inheriting it. In an effort to address this perceived defect, he champions Godfrey’s engagement to Rachel and explodes in a fury when Rachel reveals she has decided to cut it off. He nearly attacks the “impudent fanatic” Miss Clack when she uses his rage as an opportunity to teach him about the immorality of curse words.
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The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Ablewhite appears in The Moonstone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Loss of the Diamond: Gabriel Betteredge: Chapter 8
...thinks this is a surmountable defect). Godfrey is the second son of Caroline and this Mr. Ablewhite , and Mr. Franklin hardly stands a “chance of topping [him].” Godfrey is taller and...
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The Discovery of the Truth: First Narrative: Miss Clack: Chapter 8
Miss Clack predicts that the senior Mr. Ablewhite will visit the next day (to create the storm that will allow her to convert...
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Mr. Ablewhite asks a third time and Rachel confirms for a third time that the engagement is...
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...begins to read “the blessed, blessed, blessed words of Miss Jane Ann Stamper,” but then Mr. Ablewhite , “this monster in human form,” yells: “Miss Jane Ann Stamper be—!” (a word Miss...
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After Mr. Ablewhite leaves, Mrs. Ablewhite insults Miss Clack and apologizes to Rachel, who breaks into tears. Mr....
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The Discovery of the Truth: Second Narrative: Mathew Bruff: Chapter 1
That night, back in London, Mr. Ablewhite the elder comes to visit Bruff and declare that Godfrey has accepted Rachel’s decision to end the...
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