Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy


Laurence Sterne

The King of Bohemia is the protagonist of a story Trim attempts to tell Toby to cheer him up after the demolition of their model fortifications of Dunkirk. In the story, the king of Bohemia rules over seven castles but is unable to realize his dream of commanding a navy, as Bohemia is landlocked. The king accepts this disappointment, as he is a firm believer in God’s will. Trim is unable to tell any more of the story, however, because of Toby’s constant interruptions and his own digressions.
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The King of Bohemia Character Timeline in Tristram Shandy

The timeline below shows where the character The King of Bohemia appears in Tristram Shandy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 8: Chapters 15-21
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
...with anything else, including storytelling. Toby compliments Trim’s storytelling. Trim proposes to tell Toby about the king of Bohemia and his seven castles. Toby agrees, as long as it is not a... (full context)
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
...brings Trim back to the seven castles, and he begins his story once more, describing the king as unfortunate. Toby, still distracted, seizes on the word and interrupts again, asking if the... (full context)
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Travel, Space, and Time Theme Icon
Trim continues his story. The king of Bohemia , he explains, firmly believed in predestination. Trim agrees with the king and tells Toby... (full context)
Book 8: Chapters 22-28
Truth, Fiction, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Language and Comprehension Theme Icon
Sexuality and Propriety Theme Icon
Science, Technology, and the Enlightenment Theme Icon
...surprised, as Toby was perfectly well two days earlier when he told the story of the king of Bohemia. Toby asks what ever happened to that story, but Trim says they lost... (full context)