The Left Hand of Darkness


Ursula K. Le Guin

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Mindspeech Term Analysis

Telepathic communication in which it is impossible to lie. Ai has been trained in mindspeech and it is common among Ekuminicals.
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Mindspeech Term Timeline in The Left Hand of Darkness

The timeline below shows where the term Mindspeech appears in The Left Hand of Darkness. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Sex, Gender, and Behavior Theme Icon
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
Light and Dark, Religion and Spirituality  Theme Icon
...greet Ai. Ai finds Faxe very beautiful, and has the sudden urge to use his mindspeech to communicate. He tries, but it doesn’t seem to work. Somehow, Faxe immediately recognizes Ai... (full context)
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
Light and Dark, Religion and Spirituality  Theme Icon
Using the sensitivity that allows him to mindspeak, Ai can feel a spider-web-like connection between the Foretellers. He tries to keep out of... (full context)
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
Light and Dark, Religion and Spirituality  Theme Icon
...that Faxe is naturally empathic, and possibly telepathic. He offers to teach Faxe how to mindspeak. Faxe doesn’t understand the appeal, even when he learns it is impossible to lie with... (full context)
Chapter 14
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon Gethen that you have refused to trust.” Ai apologizes, and Estraven asks to learn mindspeech. (full context)
Chapter 18
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
...about the weather, but nothing about his deeper conversations with Ai or the subject of mindspeech. Ai has promised to teach this skill to Estraven, but has asked him to keep... (full context)
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
A few nights after Estraven has gone through kemmer, Ai offers to teach him mindspeech. They try for many days, but although Ai reaches out, Estraven cannot hear him. One... (full context)
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon him by his first name, Genly. Estraven reaches out, and he is able to mindspeak to Ai. However, mindspeech remains difficult for Estraven, as it disturbs him. Ai wonders if... (full context)
Chapter 19
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
...Estraven has collapsed on the ground and is dying. He does not speak, but in mindspeech calls out, “Arek.”   (full context)