The Last Battle


C. S. Lewis

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The Last Battle: Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis

In the final days of Narnia, far to the west of the land, an ape named Shift and a donkey named Puzzle are walking together near Caldron Pool. Caldron Pool sits at the bottom of a great waterfall and is constantly swirling and bubbling. Although Shift and Puzzle refer to each other as friends, Shift treats Puzzle like his servant. Because Shift is far more intelligent than Puzzle, he regularly tricks Puzzle into doing whatever he wants him to. Puzzle knows Shift is more intelligent than him, so he rarely argues.
The novel starts by acknowledging that the story takes place in the final days of Narnia, suggesting that Narnia will either be destroyed or turn into something else by the story’s conclusion. While many of the characters in this story are from past Narnia books, Shift and Puzzle are two new additions. Their relationship begins the story’s exploration of the value of friendship, though, in this case, Shift and Puzzle do not appear to have a genuine friendship at all.
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While standing near Caldron Pool, Shift and Puzzle see a yellow object go over the waterfall and land in Caldron Pool. Shift asks Puzzle to jump into Caldron Pool and fish the object out. In response, Puzzle suggests that Shift go instead because he has hands to help secure the object. Shift agrees to go, but not before giving a speech about how apes have weak chests and easily catch colds. Feeling bad, Puzzle apologizes to Shift and insists on going himself, as Shift first suggested.
Although Shift likes to brag about his intelligence, while Puzzle belittles himself, Puzzle often makes good points that Shift simply ignores. Although Shift is smart, all of his mental energy goes toward figuring out how to manipulate others. Shift knows Puzzle is a kind and well-meaning donkey, so he exploits these positive traits for personal gain.
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Puzzle circles Caldron Pool to find the best entry point. Just before he is about to jump in, Shift offers to go in his place. However, Puzzle has already made up his mind and jumps in the water. After a brief struggle, he fishes out the yellow object and brings it to the shore. Puzzle and Shift examine it and realize it is a lion’s skin. The skin reminds Puzzle and Shift of Aslan, the great lion who has disappeared from Narnia.
Shift is not genuinely offering to jump in the pool instead of Puzzle. Rather, he knows Puzzle is already committed to the task and offers to go in his place as another form of manipulation; it is a cheap way for him to suggest that he cares about Puzzle without actually having to do anything.
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Shift decides he wants to make a costume out of the lion’s skin for Puzzle to wear. Puzzle thinks making the costume is a bad idea because Aslan might find it insulting. However, Shift tricks Puzzle into thinking the costume would be okay. Then, Shift sends Puzzle away to look for fruit while he makes the costume. Shift works hard all day to ensure the proportions of the lion’s skin are sized down appropriately to fit Puzzle.
Aslan is a character who will be familiar to readers of the other entries in the Narnia series. He is a lion deity who watches over Narnia from a realm high up in sky. Lewis uses Aslan as a Christ-like figure who embodies Christian values. Puzzle thinks pretending to be Aslan is insulting because he would be appropriating the likeness of a god.
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Eventually, Puzzle returns and claims he could not find any fruit. Although Puzzle is exhausted, Shift gets him to try on the new costume. As Shift hoped, the costume fits Puzzle perfectly. Seeing that everything has gone to plan so far, Shift proposes a new idea to Puzzle. He wants Puzzle to pretend to be Aslan so that all of the other animals in Narnia will do what he wants. Shift plans to feed Puzzle lines, so Puzzle will not have to do any of the thinking himself.
Throughout history, various religions (including Christianity) have condemned anyone who would act as a false prophet; that is, someone who would falsely claim to be a god or a messenger of a god. In other words, Shift’s plan is blasphemous to the highest degree, though he knows he cannot present it as such to Puzzle.
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Puzzle is not comfortable with the plan, believing that the real Aslan would find it offensive. However, Shift tells him that Aslan would appreciate them fixing Narnia. He also tempts Puzzle by claiming that pretending to be Aslan could get Puzzle sugar cubes, which Puzzle loves. As they are discussing Shift’s plan, lightning strikes violently. Puzzle thinks the lightning strike is a warning from Aslan, but Shift argues it is actually an endorsement of his plan.
Although Puzzle is not confident enough in himself to stand up to Shift, the novel suggests that he is on the right side of the argument. Though Puzzle might not suspect Shift’s true intentions, it is clear that Shift wants to present a false Aslan to benefit himself. However, because he presents his plan as righteous, Puzzle is willing to go along with him.
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