The Jungle


Upton Sinclair

Grandmother Majauszkiene Character Analysis

Grandmother Majauskiene is a wise old woman who lives next door to the house the Rudkus family leases. She is a socialist who has seen the Packingtown labor system mistreat several waves of inexperienced immigrants. She warns the naïve immigrants that their housing contract is likely a swindle and tries to show them the predatory nature of capitalism.
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Grandmother Majauszkiene Character Timeline in The Jungle

The timeline below shows where the character Grandmother Majauszkiene appears in The Jungle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
The Dehumanizing Evils of Capitalism Theme Icon
The Immigrant Experience and Disillusionment Theme Icon
A neighboring Lithuanian family, the Majauszkis, come over for a visit. Grandmother Majauszkiene , a socialist, tells them that their house is not new, but an old, cheaply... (full context)
The Dehumanizing Evils of Capitalism Theme Icon
The Immigrant Experience and Disillusionment Theme Icon
But the worst bit of news occurs when Grandmother Majauszkiene informs the family that they have to pay interest in addition to their rent. They... (full context)
Chapter 18
The Immigrant Experience and Disillusionment Theme Icon
Family, Masculinity, and Individualism Theme Icon has refurbished and moved into his house. Dismayed, Jurgis goes down the block to Grandmother Majauszkiene's house, who tells Jurgis that his family has gone back to stay in Aniele Jukniene's... (full context)