The Jew of Malta


Christopher Marlowe

Martin Del Bosco Character Analysis

Martin Del Bosco is the Vice-Admiral of Spain and Ferneze’s ally. Bosco’s Spanish fleet engages with the Turkish fleet near Malta’s port, and he sinks one of the ships and captures the crew as slaves. Ferneze allows Bosco to sell his Turkish slaves in Malta, even though it violates Malta’s tributary league with the Turks, and Bosco offers Ferneze Spain’s protection so Malta can keep the tributary money and refuse the Turks’ payment. Despite Bosco’s promise that his fleet will not depart until Malta is safe from the Turks, he is not able to protect Malta from Selim-Calymath and his men, and Malta is ultimately captured.
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Martin Del Bosco Character Timeline in The Jew of Malta

The timeline below shows where the character Martin Del Bosco appears in The Jew of Malta. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 2, Scene 2
Religious Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Ferneze enters with Martin Del Bosco, the Vice-Admiral of Spain, along with several knights and officers. Bosco claims he has come... (full context)
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Religious Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
Ferneze has heard all about Martin Del Bosco, and he warmly welcomes the Spanish men to Malta. But, Ferneze says, Malta’s agreement with... (full context)
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
Ferneze immediately agrees and tells Bosco that he may sell his Turkish slaves in Malta. Ferneze then makes Bosco the General... (full context)
Act 3, Scene 5
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
Ferneze enters with Martin Del Bosco, several knights, and a Turkish bashaw. Ferneze warmly welcomes the bashaw and asks what brings... (full context)
Act 5, Scene 1
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
Ferneze enters with Martin Del Bosco and several knights and officers. Ferneze tells the men to take up arms and fortify... (full context)
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
...and tells Ferneze that Ithamore, Bellamira, Pilia-Borza, and Barabas are dead. Ferneze is shocked, and Bosco notes how suspicious the timing is. It is not suspicious, Ferneze says, but “just,” and... (full context)
Act 5, Scene 4
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
Ferneze enters with Martin Del Bosco and several knights. Ferneze readies the men for the feast and tells them to come... (full context)
Act 5, Scene 5
God and Machiavellianism Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism Theme Icon
Betrayal and Revenge  Theme Icon
...and Ferneze cuts the cable, sending Barabas deep into the pit and boiling cauldron below. Bosco enters with several knights, and Barabas screams for help from the pit, as Ferneze informs... (full context)