Fischer Smythe (Fish) Quotes in The Edible Woman
“Marian, what have you got there?” [Ainsley] walked over to see. “It's a woman—a woman made of cake!” She gave Marian a strange look.
Marian chewed and swallowed. “Have some,” she said, “it's really good. I made it this afternoon.”
Ainsley's mouth opened and closed, fishlike, as though she was trying to take down the full implication of what she saw. “Marian!” she exclaimed at last, with horror. “You're rejecting your femininity!”
[…] Marian looked back at her platter. The woman laid there, still smiling glassily, her legs gone. “Nonsense,” she said. “It's only a cake.” She plunged her fork into the carcass, neatly severing the body from the head.
I had just begun on the windows when the phone rang. It was Duncan. I was surprised; I had more or less forgotten about him. […]
I was irritated with him for not wanting to discuss what I was going to do myself. Now that I was thinking of myself in the first-person singular again I found my own situation much more interesting than his.

Fischer Smythe (Fish) Quotes in The Edible Woman
“Marian, what have you got there?” [Ainsley] walked over to see. “It's a woman—a woman made of cake!” She gave Marian a strange look.
Marian chewed and swallowed. “Have some,” she said, “it's really good. I made it this afternoon.”
Ainsley's mouth opened and closed, fishlike, as though she was trying to take down the full implication of what she saw. “Marian!” she exclaimed at last, with horror. “You're rejecting your femininity!”
[…] Marian looked back at her platter. The woman laid there, still smiling glassily, her legs gone. “Nonsense,” she said. “It's only a cake.” She plunged her fork into the carcass, neatly severing the body from the head.
I had just begun on the windows when the phone rang. It was Duncan. I was surprised; I had more or less forgotten about him. […]
I was irritated with him for not wanting to discuss what I was going to do myself. Now that I was thinking of myself in the first-person singular again I found my own situation much more interesting than his.