The Chosen


Chaim Potok

Reuven’s softball coach, who is of fighting age but mysteriously not a soldier. He makes frequent allusions to battle and war during their game, calling his players “soldiers,” which only brings more attention to his suspicious lack of uniform. He takes Reuven to the hospital after he injures his eye in a softball game.
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Mr. Galanter Character Timeline in The Chosen

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Galanter appears in The Chosen. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Judaism and Tradition Theme Icon
Mr. Galanter , Reuven’s coach, leads the team in a pre-game practice. Davey Cantor, a boy on... (full context)
Fathers, Sons, and Rebellion Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon a rabbi and asks if they can practice on the field before the game. Mr. Galanter agrees, and the rabbi sits down and starts reading as his team practices. The Hasidic... (full context)
Friendship Theme Icon
World War II and War Theme Icon
Mr. Galanter advises his team to play carefully, and they do. Danny comes back to the plate... (full context)
Judaism and Tradition Theme Icon
World War II and War Theme Icon
Mr. Galanter takes Reuven out of the game. Reuven is in great pain but sits on the... (full context)
Chapter 2
Fathers, Sons, and Rebellion Theme Icon
Reuven and Mr. Galanter go to the Brooklyn Memorial Hospital. Reuven’s eye is feeling worse and he is shuttled... (full context)
Chapter 3
Choosing and Being Chosen Theme Icon
World War II and War Theme Icon
...ball with him and he eventually agrees. Mrs. Carpenter comes and scolds both of them. Mr. Galanter comes to visit Reuven. They speak about the war, and Reuven mentions that Billy’s uncle... (full context)