Shortly after he is released from prison, Malcolm goes to a store and purchases three items: a pair of glasses, a suitcase, and a watch. These will be his most valuable possessions throughout the rest of his life; in fact, they embody the nature of that life. Malcolm will spend the next thirteen years as a major leader in the Nation of Islam. In that capacity, he travels all around the world, works long days filled with meetings and events, and spends countless hours reading, either for work or as a way to continue to build his knowledge. These are the tools that he will use to achieve his greatest goal: to build the Nation of Islam. These three items, however, are not only his most valuable or useful possessions; they are also perhaps his only possessions. Malcolm repeatedly states that he owned no personal property and he never gained financially from his speeches and work for the Nation. In them, we see both a steadfast commitment to his religion and a symbol of his great humility.