The 57 Bus

The 57 Bus


Dashka Slater

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The 57 Bus makes teaching easy.

The 57 Bus: Part 3: Watching Summary & Analysis

Immediately after Richard jumps off the bus and sees Sasha in flames, he begins running after the moving bus, and it isn’t long before it pulls over again and coughing passengers file out onto the street. Richard watches as Sasha sits on the sidewalk, their legs a “charred” mess. Lloyd and Jamal get off the 57 bus too, and the three board another waiting bus. Later at home, Jasmine notices that Richard is “sad,” but he doesn’t tell her why.
Richard is truly surprised to see Sasha busts into flames, and this is apparent when he immediately begins running after the bus. Richard’s actions and his “sad” behavior later at home are evidence of his genuine remorse. Richard feels badly that his adolescent prank has caused Sasha to sustain real injuries, and this implies that he is not a bad kid.
Adolescent Crime vs. Adult Crime Theme Icon
Accountability, Redemption, and Forgiveness Theme Icon