Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Dashka Slater's The 57 Bus. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The 57 Bus: Introduction
The 57 Bus: Plot Summary
The 57 Bus: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The 57 Bus: Themes
The 57 Bus: Quotes
The 57 Bus: Characters
The 57 Bus: Terms
The 57 Bus: Symbols
Brief Biography of Dashka Slater

Historical Context of The 57 Bus
Other Books Related to The 57 Bus
- Full Title: The 57 Bus
- When Written: 2016
- Where Written: Oakland, California
- When Published: 2017
- Literary Period: Postmodern
- Genre: Nonfiction, True Crime
- Setting: Oakland, California
- Climax: At Richard’s second legal progress report, Karl, Sasha’s father, stands in front of the court and forgives Richard for his attack on Sasha. Subsequently, the judge modifies Richard’s sentence from seven years to five and recommends that he serve his time in a juvenile facility rather than an adult prison.
- Antagonist: Richard
- Point of View: Third person
Extra Credit for The 57 Bus
The Big Screen. Dashka Slater’s children’s book, Dangerously Ever After, is being made into an animated film by Fantasiation Studios. The film focuses on the sassy Princess Amanita and the shy prince who gives her a gift of roses.
NoH8. The NoH8 campaign mentioned in The 57 Bus is a charitable organization that was founded in 2009 following California’s Proposition 8, which effectively banned same-sex marriage. The campaign began as a silent protest of the proposal in which subjects were photographed with duct-taped mouths and NOH8 painted on their cheeks. Proposition 8 was declared unconstitutional by a federal court in 2010, but it was another three years before the ruling went into effect. The campaign continues to advocate for LGBTQ marriage and gender and human equality.