Son finds his way to Isle de Chevaliers after he flees his rural hometown after he kills his wife, Cheyenne, to retaliate against her infidelity. When Son and Jadine become involved later, he repeatedly abuses her and then rapes her, leading Jadine to leave. Son’s obsessive fixation on Jadine leads him to break into the Streets’ house in the first place to try and get close to her. It also spurs him to undertake his monomaniacal mission at the end of the novel when he tries to get Jadine back at any cost after she has left. Though Son’s violent behavior is extreme, he is not the only character who mistreats and dehumanizes women. Valerian and Margaret’s relationship is also characterized by similar forms of mistreatment. Valerian consistently mocks and belittles Margaret. In the early days of their marriage, Valerian pressures Margaret to assume the role of an idle housewife. She not only feels increasingly isolated and bored but also feels powerless to change her circumstances. Valerian even forbids Margaret from forging a friendship with Ondine, plunging Margaret further into isolation. In a twisted rejection of the unsatisfying position that Valerian has pushed Margaret into, Margaret violently abuses her son Michael. When Ondine reveals this abuse later, she suggests that Margaret didn’t abuse her son—she loved him. Instead, she abused the parts of her son that she viewed as belonging to Valerian, the man who had mistreated her for years. Margaret’s abuse of Michael, then, suggests the far-reaching consequences of toxic masculinity, showing how victims of violence and subjugation perpetuate violence onto others. The novel, then, emphasizes how toxic masculinity is inherently destructive. Not only does it harm women who are victims of misogynistic violence and abuse, but it also destroys the men, like Valerian and Son, who buy into it and practice it.
Toxic Masculinity ThemeTracker

Toxic Masculinity Quotes in Tar Baby
When he knew for certain that Michael would always be a stranger to him, he built the greenhouse as a place of controlled ever-flowering life to greet death in. It seemed a simple, modest enough wish to him. Normal, decent—like his life […].
His claims to decency were human: he had never cheated anybody. Had done the better thing whenever he had a choice and sometimes when he did not. He had never been miserly or a spendthrift, and his politics were always rational and often humane.
She was usually safe with soup, anything soft or liquid that required a spoon, but she was never sure when the confusion would return: when she would scrape her fork tines along the china trying to pick up the painted blossoms at its center, or forget to unwrap the Amaretti cookie at the side of her plate and pop the whole thing into her mouth.
She started to stand several times, but each time something held her to the rock. Something very like embarrassment. Embarrassment at the possibility of overreacting, as she told her aunt and uncle they were doing. More awful than the fear of danger was the fear of looking foolish—of being excited when others were laid back—of being somehow manipulated, surprised or shook. Sensitive people went into therapy and stayed there when they felt out of control.
Michael had been on [Valerian’s] heart if not in his mind since Margaret had announced the certainty of his visit. He could not say to her that he hoped far more than she did that Michael would come. That maybe this time there would be that feeling of rescue between them as it had been when he had taken him from underneath the sink. Thus when the black man appeared, Valerian was already in complicity with an overripe peach, and took on its implicit dare. And he invited the intruder to have a drink. The Michael of the reservation and the Michael of the sink was both surprised and pleased.
Jadine looked at him trying to figure out whether he was the man who understood potted plants or the man who drove through houses.
[Son] listened. [Margaret] took sips of the Evian and lime as she talked, her knees covered with the towel. She was looking at him now. Relaxed. Interested in what she was saying. Interested in his hearing it, knowing it, knowing that her son was beautiful, wise and kind. That he loved people, was not selfish, was actually self-sacrificing, committed, that he could have lived practically any kind of life he chose, could be dissolute, reckless, trivial, greedy. But he wasn’t. He had not turned out that way. He could have been president of the candy company if he had wanted, but he wanted value in his life, not money. He had turned out fine, just fine.
He saw it all as a rescue: first tearing her mind away from that blinding awe. Then the physical escape from the plantation. His first, hers to follow two days later. Unless…he remembered sitting at the foot of the table, gobbling the food, watching her pour his wine, listening to her take his part, trying to calm Ondine and Sydney to his satisfaction.
There was something so foul in that, something in the crime of innocence so revolting it paralyzed him. He had not known because he had not taken the trouble to know. He was satisfied with what he did know. Knowing more was inconvenient and frightening. […]
What an awful thing she had done. And how much more awful not to have known it.
The rescue was not going well. She thought she was rescuing him from the night women who wanted him for themselves, wanted him feeling superior in a cradle, deferring to him; wanted her to settle for wifely competence when she could be almighty, to settle for fertility rather than originality, nurturing instead of building. He thought he was rescuing her from Valerian, meaning them, the aliens, the people who in a mere three hundred years had killed a world millions of years old. […]
Each was pulling the other away from the maw of hell—its very ridge top. Each knew the world as it was meant or ought to be. One had a past, the other a future and each one bore the culture to save the race in his hands. Mama-spoiled black man, will you mature with me? Culture-bearing black woman, whose culture are you bearing?