Much of the drama in Stargirl can be traced through Leo’s friendship and romance with Stargirl. Leo himself is a somewhat shy, retiring young man who prefers to stay in the background. He’s simultaneously drawn to Stargirl’s unusual beauty and yet repelled by the social rejection that comes of associating with her at Mica High. Although Leo is Stargirl’s boyfriend for a while, their overall relationship is fairly representative of the reaction of most of Stargirl’s peers at Mica High. By following their relationship through puzzlement to infatuation to final rejection, Spinelli argues that even when genuine friendship develops, the pull of peer pressure is almost impossible for the average young person to overcome.
Leo is drawn to Stargirl, even as he’s perplexed and repelled by her strangeness. While his classmates speculate that Stargirl can’t be real, Leo can’t stop thinking about her: “each night in bed I thought of her as the moon came through my window. […] In that moonlit hour, I acquired a sense of the otherness of things. I liked the feeling the moonlight gave me, as if it wasn’t the opposite of day, but its underside, its private side, when the fabulous purred on my snow-white sheet like some dark cat come in from the desert.” Leo is drawn to Stargirl’s “otherness” and even feels a mysterious personal connection to it. Though he tries to stay away, Leo can’t resist trying to understand Stargirl and wants to be part of her life. “Meanwhile, I kept my distance. I observed her as if she were a bird in an aviary […] Then one day after school I followed her. I kept at a safe distance. […] We trekked all over Mica, past hundreds of grassless stone-and-cactus front yards,” all the way into the desert after nightfall. This simultaneous push and pull is similar to Stargirl’s power over much of Mica High, although Leo, unlike most people, dares to get close—seeing her as a person, not just an exotic newcomer to speculate about.
Even though Leo genuinely likes Stargirl, however, he’s haunted by his desire to be liked by his peers, too. When he finds a valentine from Stargirl in his notebook, Leo has to summon the courage to thank Stargirl when she openly confronts him in the cafeteria: “I knew I had to turn around and speak to her, and I knew she was going to stand there until I did. This was silly, this was childish, this being terrified of her. What was I afraid of, anyway? […] I felt heavy, as if I were moving through water, as if I were confronting much more than a tenth-grade girl with an unusual name. […] I said, ‘Thanks for the card.’ Her smile put the sunflower to shame.” Even though Leo is genuinely dazzled by Stargirl’s attentions, he is humiliated by public recognition of their bond. His inner conflict sets the tone for their stormy relationship. Archie Brubaker confronts Leo with the question, “Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others’?” Leo is tormented over this: “I suffered. But whose sake was I suffering for? […] I became angry. I resented having to choose. I refused to choose. I imagined my life without her and without them, and I didn’t like it either way. I pretended it would not always be like this. […] I pretended she would become more like [everyone else] and they would become more like her[.]” Leo cares for Stargirl, but he also doesn’t want to be deprived of the esteem of his peers, who shun him for befriending her. Leo’s attempt to have it both ways represents the strong pull of peer approval.
Despite his genuine fondness for Stargirl, Leo ends up giving in to peer pressure. When Stargirl transforms herself into an “average teenager,” Leo’s response to her new appearance is telling: “Stargirl had vanished into a sea of [average girls], and I was thrilled. […] I grabbed her, right there outside the lunchroom in the swarming mob. I didn’t care if others were watching. In fact, I hoped they were […] I had never been so happy and so proud in my life.” Leo no longer cares what other people think about his relationship with Stargirl. In contrast to his embarrassment and avoidance while Stargirl was being herself, he now wants people to see that they’re together, and to admire their association. When Leo suggests that Stargirl back off of her aggressively “normal” persona instead of giving it up altogether, she responds to him with disarming compassion: “‘Because we live in a world of them, right? You told me that once […] I know you’re not going to ask me to the Ocotillo Ball. It’s okay.’ She gave me her smile of infinite kindness and understanding, the smile I had seen her aim at so many other needy souls, and in that moment I hated her.” Stargirl knows Leo won’t ask her to the school dance because, at the end of the day, he’s too conventional to be at peace with her strangeness. Leo hates that she sees him as an object of care just like the many ordinary folks she’s helped in Mica—and he also hates that she’s right about him.
Leo’s conflicted responses to Stargirl are one of the most frustrating aspects of the novel. Because he’s an outsider in Mica himself and a sensitive, good-hearted kid, it’s hard not to root for him, especially when he becomes one of the few students to give Stargirl a genuine chance. At the same time, his reluctance to give up his peers’ approval is disappointing and undercuts expectations for a happy, romantic ending. Spinelli seems to provoke this discomfort intentionally, suggesting that most people would likely respond to Stargirl much as Leo did. In later years, a mature Leo is regretful, too—he’s always haunted by what could have happened with Stargirl if only he’d stood strong.
Friendship, Love, and Social Pressure ThemeTracker

Friendship, Love, and Social Pressure Quotes in Stargirl
And each night in bed I thought of her as the moon came through my window. I could have lowered my shade to make it darker and easier to sleep, but I never did. In that moonlit hour, I acquired a sense of the otherness of things. I liked the feeling the moonlight gave me, as if it wasn’t the opposite of day, but its underside, its private side, when the fabulous purred on my snow-white sheet like some dark cat come in from the desert.
It was during one of these nightmoon times that it came to me that Hillari Kimble was wrong. Stargirl was real.
In the Sonoran Desert there are ponds. You could be standing in the middle of one and not know it, because the ponds are usually dry. Nor would you know that inches below your feet, frogs are sleeping, their heartbeats down to once or twice per minute. They lie dormant and waiting, these mud frogs, for without water their lives are incomplete, they are not fully themselves. For many months they sleep like this within the earth. And then the rain comes. And a hundred pairs of eyes pop out of the mud, and at night a hundred voices call across the moonlit water.
It was wonderful to see, wonderful to be in the middle of: we mud frogs awakening all around. We were awash in tiny attentions. Small gestures, words, empathies thought to be extinct came to life.
You never knew when it would happen. Maybe you were a little ninth-grade nobody named Eddie. As you’re walking down the hall you see a candy wrapper on the floor. You pick it up and throw it in the nearest trash can— and suddenly there she is in front of you, pumping her arms, her honey hair and freckles flying, swallowing you whole with those enormous eyes, belting out a cheer she’s making up on the spot […] People who never even saw you before are smiling at you and slapping your back and pumping your hand, and suddenly it seems like the whole world is calling your name, and you’re feeling so good you pretty much just float on home from school.
Then came the boos. She didn’t seem to notice.
She did not seem to notice.
Of all the unusual features of Stargirl, this struck me as the most remarkable. Bad things did not stick to her. Correction: her bad things did not stick to her. Our bad things stuck very much to her. If we were hurt, if we were unhappy or otherwise victimized by life, she seemed to know about it, and to care, as soon as we did.
A hand reached into the picture and grabbed the mike[.] Becca Rinaldi’s angry face appeared on Camera Two. “Why do you cheer for the other team?”
Stargirl seemed to be thinking it over. “I guess because I’m a cheerleader.”
“You’re not just a cheerleader, you dumb cluck”— Becca Rinaldi was snarling into the mike— “you’re supposed to be our cheerleader. A Mica cheerleader.” […]
Stargirl was leaning forward, looking earnestly at Becca Rinaldi, her voice small as a little girl’s. “When the other team scores a point and you see how happy it makes all their fans, doesn’t it make you happy, too?”
She was bendable light: she shone around every corner of my day.
She taught me to revel. She taught me to wonder. She taught me to laugh. My sense of humor had always measured up to everyone else’s; but timid, introverted me, I showed it sparingly: I was a smiler. In her presence I threw back my head and laughed out loud for the first time in my life.
She saw things. I had not known there was so much to see.
She was forever tugging my arm and saying, “Look!”
I would look around, seeing nothing. “Where?”
On weekends and after dinner, we delivered many potted violets. And CONGRATULATIONS! balloons. And cards of many sentiments. She made her own cards. She wasn’t a great artist. Her people were stick figures. The girls all had triangle skirts and pigtails. You would never mistake one of her cards for a Hallmark, but I have never seen cards more heartfelt. They were meaningful in the way that a schoolchild’s homemade Christmas card is meaningful. She never left her name.
“I love fillers!” she exclaimed.
“What are fillers?” I said.
She explained that fillers are little items that are not considered important enough to be a story or to have a headline. They’re never more than one column wide, never more than an inch or two deep. They are most commonly found at the bottoms of inside pages, where the eye seldom travels. […] A filler doesn’t need to be “news.” It doesn’t need to be important. It doesn’t even need to be read. All it’s asked to do is take up space. A filler might come from anywhere and be about anything. […] It might mention that so-and-so’s cat is missing. Or that so-and-so has a collection of antique marbles.
“I search through fillers like a prospector digging for gold,” she said.
I saw. I heard. I understood. I suffered. But whose sake was I suffering for? I kept thinking of Señor Saguaro’s question: Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others’?
I became angry. I resented having to choose. I refused to choose. I imagined my life without her and without them, and I didn’t like it either way. I pretended it would not always be like this. In the magical moonlight of my bed at night, I pretended she would become more like them and they would become more like her, and in the end I would have it all.
Stargirl’s face went through a series of expressions, ending with a pout and a sudden sobby outburst: “I’m not connected!” She reached out to me and we hugged on the bench in the courtyard and walked home together.
We continued this conversation for the next couple of days. I explained the ways of people to her. I said you can’t cheer for everybody. She said why not? I said a person belongs to a group, you can’t belong to everyone. She said why not? I said you can’t just barge into the funeral of a perfect stranger. She said why not? I said you just can’t. She said why? I said because. I said you have to respect other people’s privacy, there’s such a thing as not being welcome. I said not everybody likes having somebody with a ukulele sing “Happy Birthday” to them. They don’t? she said.
She looked magnificently, wonderfully, gloriously ordinary. She looked just like a hundred other girls at Mica High. Stargirl had vanished into a sea of them, and I was thrilled. She slid a stick of chewing gum into her mouth and chewed away noisily. She winked at me. She reached out and tweaked my cheek the way my grandmother would and said, “What’s up, cutie?” I grabbed her, right there outside the lunchroom in the swarming mob. I didn’t care if others were watching. In fact, I hoped they were. I grabbed her and squeezed her. I had never been so happy and so proud in my life.
We swung around back to the parking lot and— yes— there was a car, and another car. And people, three of them, shading their eyes in the sun, watching us. Two of them were teachers. The other was a student, Dori Dilson. She stood apart from the teachers, alone in the black shimmering sea of asphalt. As we approached, she held up a sign, a huge cardboard sign bigger than a basketball backboard. She set the sign on edge and propped it up, erasing herself. The red painted letters said:
The car stopped in front of it. All that was left to see of Dori Dilson were two sets of fingers holding the sides of the sign. We were close enough now to see that the sign was trembling, and I knew that behind it Dori was crying. There was no confetti, no kazoos. Nothing cheered, not even a mockingbird.
“Don’t you think maybe you should back off a little?” I said. “Don’t come on so strong?”
She smiled at me. She reached out and brushed the tip of my nose with her fingertip. “Because we live in a world of them, right? You told me that once.”
We stared at each other. She kissed me on the cheek and walked away. She turned and said, “I know you’re not going to ask me to the Ocotillo Ball. It’s okay.” She gave me her smile of infinite kindness and understanding, the smile I had seen her aim at so many other needy souls, and in that moment I hated her.
Shortly after, as the Serenaders gratefully played “Stardust,” Hillari Kimble walked up to Stargirl and said, “You ruin everything.” And she slapped her.
The crowd grew instantly still. The two girls stood facing each other for a long minute. Those nearby saw in Hillari’s shoulders and eyes a flinching: she was waiting to be struck in reply. And in fact, when Stargirl finally moved, Hillari winced and shut her eyes. But it was lips that touched her, not the palm of a hand. Stargirl kissed her gently on the cheek. She was gone by the time Hillari opened her eyes.
The high school has a new club called the Sunflowers. To join, you have to sign an agreement promising to do “one nice thing per day for someone other than myself.”
Today’s Electron marching band is probably the only one in Arizona with a ukulele.
On the basketball court, the Electrons have never come close to the success they enjoyed when I was a junior. But something from that season has resurfaced in recent years that baffles fans from other schools. At every game, when the opposing team scores its first basket, a small group of Electrons fans jumps to its feet and cheers.