Something Wicked This Way Comes


Ray Bradbury

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Something Wicked This Way Comes: Chapter 34 Summary & Analysis

The old wooden Indian outside of the United Cigar Store casts a long shadow on an iron grille in the sidewalk, and beneath the grille, Jim and Will hide. It is the perfect place, Will says. Mr. Dark will never find them here. As Will watches the familiar shoes of Charles pass over the grille, a young boy drops his gum and squats to save it. Will and Jim can hear the carnival passing by, and it suddenly “halts.” Mr. Dark and the freaks disperse into the crowd of spectators, searching for Will and Jim. “Look, Ma!” the small boy says, pointing to the grille. “There!
If the little boy continues to make a fuss by the grille, he will likely give away Will and Jim’s hiding spot, as the scene grows more frightening and suspenseful. Luck seems to be on the side of the powerful Mr. Dark for now.
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