Something Wicked This Way Comes


Ray Bradbury

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Something Wicked This Way Comes: Chapter 17 Summary & Analysis

Will and Jim turn and nearly trip over an abandoned leather bag. Will kicks it and it makes “a sound of iron indigestion.” The bag belongs to Mr. Fury, the lightning-rod salesman, they realize. “Storm never came,” Jim says. “But he went.” The boys are puzzled. Who forgets and leaves their bag lying around? “This is everything that old man owned. Something important—” Jim says, “made him forget.” Still, Will and Jim wonder, who does that?
Of course, the storm did come, in the form of the carnival, but Will and Jim have not yet made this connection. Mr. Fury didn’t forget his bag—he gave into temptation and melted the block of ice to get to the beautiful woman, effectively becoming one of Mr. Dark’s freaks.
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