Something Wicked This Way Comes


Ray Bradbury

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Something Wicked This Way Comes: Chapter 12 Summary & Analysis

Will and Jim make it to the rail bridge at the edge of town just as the train crosses. One of the cars carries a “wailing” calliope. “There’s no one playing it!” Jim yells. Will looks to the keyboard in confusion and sure enough, there is no one sitting there. “Pearls of ice” erupt from Will’s skin as the train’s whistle lets out an ungodly “shriek” that brings tears to their eyes and their hands to their ears. Suddenly, the train stops in a field and falls silent.
The calliope playing on its own volition is further evidence of the carnival’s supernatural powers. Everything about the approaching carnival builds a mood of growing chaos and evil. 
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Although Jim can’t see any movement from the train, he can “feel them moving in there.” A huge green balloon materializes in the air above the train and Will and Jim can faintly see someone in the basket hanging from the bottom. A man in a dark suit steps from the train’s caboose, gestures with his hand, and the train “comes to life.” Still, the train’s occupants move silently, “like an old movie.”
Jim can “feel” the carnival in the darkness, but Will doesn’t seem to be able to, which implies again that Jim is less inherently “good” than Will, and more susceptible to temptation. The man in the dark suit is presumably Mr. Dark, who can seemingly be in two places at once.
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Clouds move in, blocking the moon, and the entire field is covered in darkness. Will and Jim can faintly visualize the carnival workers unloading poles and wires for the tents. “They’re bringing out the canvas!” says Will, excitedly. Suddenly, the clouds blow away, and the balloon and men are gone, but in their place stand the carnival tents. “I don’t like it,” says Will. Jim agrees and a bird screeches in the distance. The boys jump at the sound and run home in a panic.
The darkness of the night mirrors the darkness of the carnival, which makes the “light” Will uncomfortable. While Jim agrees with Will and seems to be frightened by what he witnesses, he is still very curious.
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