Lantern Yard
The town of Lantern Yard symbolizes the change that Silas Marner undergoes when he is betrayed and loses his faith in his home community and in God. Early in the book, the parish at Lantern… read analysis of Lantern Yard
The village of Raveloe is strongly contrasted to Lantern Yard both because of its homely appearance and because of the simple lives and perspectives of the people who live there. In Raveloe, practicality takes precedence… read analysis of Raveloe
Stone Pits
The stone pits near Silas Marner’s home in Raveloe appear only a few times in the novel, but they serve the key role of hiding the body of Dunstan Cass and Silas Marner’s stolen… read analysis of Stone Pits
Silas Marner becomes obsessed with the acquisition and hoarding of gold after he losses his faith in God and in other people. Gold, as an object, becomes the recipient of all the human love and… read analysis of Gold
The Hearth
Silas Marner’s cottage and his hearth are the setting for several key events in the novel. Marner discovers Eppie on the hearth, sleeping, and at first mistakes her for his lost gold. The cottage… read analysis of The Hearth