Second Treatise of Government


John Locke

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King of England from 1603 to 1625. In the Second Treatise of Government, Locke mentions James I and his speech to parliament in 1603, in which James I stated the difference between a good king and a tyrant is that a tyrant thinks his kingdom is ordained for his satisfaction, whereas a good king believes he has been ordained to protect the lives and property of his people. Locke refers to James I as an example of a good king and one who acted for the good of the common-wealth.
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King James I Character Timeline in Second Treatise of Government

The timeline below shows where the character King James I appears in Second Treatise of Government. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 18: Of Tyranny
Nature, War, and Civil Society Theme Icon
Power and Absolute Monarchies Theme Icon
...and ambition, not the good of the people, that ruler is a tyrant. Locke offers King James I and his speech to parliament in 1603 to prove his point. King James says that... (full context)