Sarah’s Key


Tatiana De Rosnay

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Sarah’s Key: Chapter 60 Summary & Analysis

Julia phones Joshua and asks for an advance on her paycheck, saying she is taking her daughter to Tuscany. Joshua is disgruntled but agrees. Julia wonders how she will break the news of her unexpected Italy trip to Zoë, Bertrand, and her parents, who are expecting her to come visit them in Massachusetts. She starts by explaining everything to Charla, expecting her support. Charla, however, is hesitant, reminding Julia that she is pregnant and probably shouldn’t be traveling. She also warns Julia that William might not want to be reminded of his mother. Undeterred, Julia looks forward to leaving in two days for Lucca, Italy, to meet with William.
Yet again, Julia is extremely selective when deciding how she will share news with people. Charla’s worry shows that Julia’s decision to take this unexpected trip is slightly reckless. A diminishment in her ability to think clearly might be another consequence of Julia’s tunnel vision when it comes to her goal of finding out about Sarah. At this point, it seems that Julia has truly come to love Sarah. That this passion makes her impulsive and even foolish suggests another limit of the power of love.
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