


Magda Szubanski

Peter Szubanski Character Analysis

Peter Szubanski is married to Margaret and father to Magda, Barb, and Chris. On the surface, Peter is charming and boyish—characteristics one would not expect of a former assassin with the Underground Army during World War II. Peter experienced considerable trauma during the war: he survived the Warsaw Uprising by crawling through a sewer, and he witnessed the murders of countless friends and innocent people. On top of losing his homeland and his parents, Jadwiga and Mieczysław, Peter battled cancer his entire adult life. Peter’s internalized shame about his traumatic past makes him an intimidating and complicated father figure to Magda. Whenever he talked about death or war, Peter took on a frighteningly indifferent, objective tone. Admitting that his greatest fear was that his children would turn out to be “traitors,” Peter lived—even after the war—in constant preparedness to “kill” anyone, even those he loved, if they acted cowardly. This mentality drove Peter to push his kids to excel, and he’d coldly reject them when they failed to live up to his high expectations. This behavior created deep rifts in the family. Despite his harshness, however, Peter could also be surprisingly supportive and loyal, as when he expresses his unconditional love for Magda after she comes out to him about her sexuality. After Peter’s death, Magda is able to understand that, while Peter certainly had a “stone of madness” in him, he was also the most courageous person she ever met. Peter’s ability to face and withstand torture and loss ultimately inspires Magda to show courage in everything she does.

Peter Szubanski Quotes in Reckoning

The Reckoning quotes below are all either spoken by Peter Szubanski or refer to Peter Szubanski. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Chapter 1: The Stone of Madness Quotes

I swear sometimes I can feel that stone in my head. A palpable presence, an unwelcome thing that I want to squeeze out of my skull like a plum pip, using nothing but the sheer pressure of thought and concentration. If I just think hard enough…

That stone was my father’s legacy to me, his keepsake. Beneath his genial surface, somewhere in the depths, I would sometimes catch a glimpse—of a smooth, bone-colored stone. A stone made of calcified guilt and shame.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2: Death of an Assassin Quotes

We were tugboats in the river of history, my father and I, pulling in opposite directions. He needed to forget. I need to remember. For him, only the present moment would set him free. For me, the key lies buried in the past. The only way forward is back.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter: 11 Leon Uris Quotes

It was not just Germans who hated the Jews—it was Poles as well. Betraying them, selling them, profiteering and collaborating in their destruction.


It was as if someone had plunged a red-hot iron into my sympathetic nervous system. Pain shot through my whole body. I lay on my bed trembling. The Poles were not just the good people. We were also the bad people. We had not helped the Jews. Had my father hurt the Jews?

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness, The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 94
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12: Fight, Flight, Freeze Quotes

It was from [his] arrested and idealized adolescent memory […] that my father’s […] standards of excellence were born, like Pallas Athena out of the head of Zeus. There was always something strangely Leni Riefenstahl-ish about my father’s veneration of sporting prowess. I recoiled from it instantly and forcefully: the moment I became proficient at a sport I began to feel like a Nazi and would stop.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 102
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21: Warsaw Quotes

Now I would say it was survivor’s guilt. By a fluke my father had made it out of Poland and so his children had been spared all of this. I wanted to make it up to my Polish family for all they had suffered. But how? There was no plan. And no relief.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 25: Shadow in the Amber Quotes

He was reproaching her—for what? Her weakness?—and he was recasting her response as self-indulgent. A useless thing that was no help to anyone.

As a man his job was not to feel. It was to act, to do something. Maybe Izabella’s father was right—feelings are what get people killed.

But dear God, if you cannot weep at Auschwitz?

I was thirty-one years old. I was a brave Pole. I felt the expectation to man up, and my emotions fell into step with my father’s. They floated off like vapor. I felt, at that moment, nothing except irritation with my mother’s weakness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski, Margaret
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness, The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 257
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29: Home Movies Quotes

Growing up I had glimpsed [Peter’s] capacity for cold-bloodedness. I was never afraid of my father but I began to wonder how much I was the child of his darkness as well as his light. It wasn’t what my father did or said or told me. It was what he felt. At times it emanated from him like a force field. I was irradiated with his guilt. Whatever it was he had done I had to make my own peace with it.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 289
Explanation and Analysis:

[Peter] squints into the distance as though he might find…what? Answers? Justice? Wisdom?

‘How would I react?’ he asks straight at the camera. ‘You see you don’t know your reaction until you are actually there, until you are confronted with the circumstances. There were people swearing what they wouldn’t do. And when it came to the crunch…they bloody well did it.’

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 297
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 33: Molotov Cocktails Quotes

My father knew that even in his war, a just war where Hitler had to be stopped, the balance of good and evil was no simple thing.


‘I was good at it. Good at organizing the aktions.’ And there it was. The bastard emotion. Hard, shining, gleaming pride.

Was it the stone of madness? His pride in his efficiency as a killer? It seemed he was simultaneously proud and ashamed of what he had done. Maybe that was what he couldn’t forgive himself for.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 38: The Sewer Quotes

When [Peter] went into that sewer he was a man with a country, a family, a future. When he climbed out he had lost everything.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 351
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41: Trepanning Quotes

[Peter] was trying to cure me of weakness. In order to help me survive he thought he needed to expunge normal human frailty. […] He tried to make us strong like him because if we succumbed there was only one possible course of action. He would have to do his duty. He would have to kill us.

He was toughening me up so that he wouldn’t have to kill me.

This, then, is the stone of his madness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 365-366
Explanation and Analysis:

And I think: this is what war is. It is a universe in which doing the right thing is almost always simultaneously doing the wrong thing. And that is madness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 366
Explanation and Analysis:

‘That’s what I believe is real heroism. People who are afraid, have their pants full, and yet—they go and do something. Then you say, By God! It took courage to do that! But if you’re not afraid, it’s easy.’

And it dawns on me: that’s me. [Peter] is describing me. That is what I have just done.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 368
Explanation and Analysis:
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Peter Szubanski Quotes in Reckoning

The Reckoning quotes below are all either spoken by Peter Szubanski or refer to Peter Szubanski. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Chapter 1: The Stone of Madness Quotes

I swear sometimes I can feel that stone in my head. A palpable presence, an unwelcome thing that I want to squeeze out of my skull like a plum pip, using nothing but the sheer pressure of thought and concentration. If I just think hard enough…

That stone was my father’s legacy to me, his keepsake. Beneath his genial surface, somewhere in the depths, I would sometimes catch a glimpse—of a smooth, bone-colored stone. A stone made of calcified guilt and shame.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2: Death of an Assassin Quotes

We were tugboats in the river of history, my father and I, pulling in opposite directions. He needed to forget. I need to remember. For him, only the present moment would set him free. For me, the key lies buried in the past. The only way forward is back.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter: 11 Leon Uris Quotes

It was not just Germans who hated the Jews—it was Poles as well. Betraying them, selling them, profiteering and collaborating in their destruction.


It was as if someone had plunged a red-hot iron into my sympathetic nervous system. Pain shot through my whole body. I lay on my bed trembling. The Poles were not just the good people. We were also the bad people. We had not helped the Jews. Had my father hurt the Jews?

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness, The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 94
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12: Fight, Flight, Freeze Quotes

It was from [his] arrested and idealized adolescent memory […] that my father’s […] standards of excellence were born, like Pallas Athena out of the head of Zeus. There was always something strangely Leni Riefenstahl-ish about my father’s veneration of sporting prowess. I recoiled from it instantly and forcefully: the moment I became proficient at a sport I began to feel like a Nazi and would stop.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 102
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21: Warsaw Quotes

Now I would say it was survivor’s guilt. By a fluke my father had made it out of Poland and so his children had been spared all of this. I wanted to make it up to my Polish family for all they had suffered. But how? There was no plan. And no relief.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 25: Shadow in the Amber Quotes

He was reproaching her—for what? Her weakness?—and he was recasting her response as self-indulgent. A useless thing that was no help to anyone.

As a man his job was not to feel. It was to act, to do something. Maybe Izabella’s father was right—feelings are what get people killed.

But dear God, if you cannot weep at Auschwitz?

I was thirty-one years old. I was a brave Pole. I felt the expectation to man up, and my emotions fell into step with my father’s. They floated off like vapor. I felt, at that moment, nothing except irritation with my mother’s weakness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski, Margaret
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness, The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 257
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29: Home Movies Quotes

Growing up I had glimpsed [Peter’s] capacity for cold-bloodedness. I was never afraid of my father but I began to wonder how much I was the child of his darkness as well as his light. It wasn’t what my father did or said or told me. It was what he felt. At times it emanated from him like a force field. I was irradiated with his guilt. Whatever it was he had done I had to make my own peace with it.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 289
Explanation and Analysis:

[Peter] squints into the distance as though he might find…what? Answers? Justice? Wisdom?

‘How would I react?’ he asks straight at the camera. ‘You see you don’t know your reaction until you are actually there, until you are confronted with the circumstances. There were people swearing what they wouldn’t do. And when it came to the crunch…they bloody well did it.’

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Jewish Boy
Page Number: 297
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 33: Molotov Cocktails Quotes

My father knew that even in his war, a just war where Hitler had to be stopped, the balance of good and evil was no simple thing.


‘I was good at it. Good at organizing the aktions.’ And there it was. The bastard emotion. Hard, shining, gleaming pride.

Was it the stone of madness? His pride in his efficiency as a killer? It seemed he was simultaneously proud and ashamed of what he had done. Maybe that was what he couldn’t forgive himself for.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 38: The Sewer Quotes

When [Peter] went into that sewer he was a man with a country, a family, a future. When he climbed out he had lost everything.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 351
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41: Trepanning Quotes

[Peter] was trying to cure me of weakness. In order to help me survive he thought he needed to expunge normal human frailty. […] He tried to make us strong like him because if we succumbed there was only one possible course of action. He would have to do his duty. He would have to kill us.

He was toughening me up so that he wouldn’t have to kill me.

This, then, is the stone of his madness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 365-366
Explanation and Analysis:

And I think: this is what war is. It is a universe in which doing the right thing is almost always simultaneously doing the wrong thing. And that is madness.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Related Symbols: The Stone of Madness
Page Number: 366
Explanation and Analysis:

‘That’s what I believe is real heroism. People who are afraid, have their pants full, and yet—they go and do something. Then you say, By God! It took courage to do that! But if you’re not afraid, it’s easy.’

And it dawns on me: that’s me. [Peter] is describing me. That is what I have just done.

Related Characters: Magda Szubanski (speaker), Peter Szubanski
Page Number: 368
Explanation and Analysis: