Lady R. Quotes in Orlando
Then the little gentleman said,
He said next,
He said finally,*
Here, it cannot be denied, was true wit, true wisdom, true profundity. The company was thrown into complete dismay. One such saying was bad enough; but three, one after another, on the same evening! No society could survive it.
“Mr. Pope,” said old Lady R. in a voice trembling with sarcastic fury, “you are pleased to be witty.” Mr. Pope flushed red. Nobody spoke a word. They sat in dead silence some twenty minutes. Then, one by one, they rose and slunk from the room.
*These sayings are too well known to require repetition, and besides, they are all to be found in his published works.

Lady R. Quotes in Orlando
Then the little gentleman said,
He said next,
He said finally,*
Here, it cannot be denied, was true wit, true wisdom, true profundity. The company was thrown into complete dismay. One such saying was bad enough; but three, one after another, on the same evening! No society could survive it.
“Mr. Pope,” said old Lady R. in a voice trembling with sarcastic fury, “you are pleased to be witty.” Mr. Pope flushed red. Nobody spoke a word. They sat in dead silence some twenty minutes. Then, one by one, they rose and slunk from the room.
*These sayings are too well known to require repetition, and besides, they are all to be found in his published works.