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Orientalism: Themes
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Orientalism: Characters
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Orientalism: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Edward W. Said

Historical Context of Orientalism
Other Books Related to Orientalism
- Full Title: Orientalism
- When Written: 1970s
- Where Written: The United States
- When Published: 1978
- Literary Period: Postcolonialism
- Genre: Nonfiction, Literary Criticism, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies
- Point of View: Third Person
Extra Credit for Orientalism
Music to My Ears. In addition to his scholarly activities, Said was a devoted and accomplished musician. In 1999, he co-founded the West-Eastern Divian Orchestra with Argentine Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim. This orchestra, based in Spain, brings together musicians from across what was once known as “the Orient”—Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.
Western Hegemony. Edward Said’s allegedly disliked his name, Edward, which his Anglophile father had selected in honor of Edward VIII of England, who was still the Prince of Wales at the time of Said’s birth.