When Bri receives her dad's chain for Christmas, she learns that it was the first thing Lawless purchased when he got paid for his music. She sees it as a symbol of her dad himself, and her desire to wear the chain at all times speaks to Bri's sense of feeling deeply connected to Lawless and his story. Weeks later, however, the chain begins to take on a more sinister connotation. When the Crown holds Bri at gunpoint and steals the chain, Bri begins to understand the dangerous situation Lawless was in—an understanding that guides Bri toward beginning to develop her own identity, separate from her dad's. Though not getting the chain back is tragic both for sentimental and financial reasons, Bri also recognizes that losing it is the thing that impresses upon her the importance of striking out on her own and making the music she wants to make, rather than filling a role set out for her by others—which, she ultimately learns, is what her dad did, and which led to his death.
Lawless's Chain Quotes in On the Come Up
"I don't want you to grow up too fast, baby," Jay says. "I did, and it's not something I can ever get back. I want you to enjoy your childhood as much as possible."
"I'd rather grow up than be homeless."
"Hate that you even have to think like that," she murmurs.